Saturday, February 18, 2017


FEBRUARY 18, 2017


DATE ASSIGNED 2/18/17 DATE DUE 2/25/17 at NOON 

Using the attached links, do some research on the fascinating history of ancient Egypt. Open all the links, read and take notes. You will write a minimum of a two-three  paragraph research essay on a topic in Egypt that you find interesting.
Give your essay a title, indicate the central idea of your essay and write about your finding from your notes. YOU MUST CITE THE LINK SOURCE THAT YOU USED 


  1. Juan 207
    Eygptian Art!
    Modern day art was very different to Egyptian art. Eygiptian art had rules and meanings to all of their paintings. The first piece of eygptian art we can give credit to is the palellet of Narmer. The painting depicts all of his victories on the battle field. Using the carbon 14 method eygptologist can conclude it was made circa 3000 B.C.E or 5000 years ago!

    As I stated before eygptian art had many different rules. One of them comes down to the importance of the people in eygpt. The more important a person was in eygptian society the larger they were drawn in the painting. The importance of the people was all the way from the pharohs to slaver of Eygpt. Another rule could have been that the people were drawn sideways but their eyes looked forward.

  2. Breanna 207
    How did Egyptian live?

    How did the Egyptian live life in the ancient times? The way Egyptian lived in ancient time is by using the rivers. The river that most Egyptian used was called the Neil River. The Neil river gave the civilization of Egypt life. In Egypt they created the first writing and it was in hieroglyphs. Egyptian believed in the afterlife so they put all thing that people will need in the afterlife.
    There was different parts of Egypt.The Lower part of Egypt was were the rich people and kingdom were. Also the land was closer to the Mediterranean so that met more rich and fertile soil. The other part of Egypt was the Upper Egypt was were few slaves and other people live there. The rest of the land was just dry desert. But then a king named Narmer united Lower and Upper Egypt together.
    The government and religion were tied together for leader and the pharaoh, was also leader of religion. Some men in Egypt wore makeup because theories said it had healing power. If you are a men or boy would you were makeup because it has healing powers. Did you know when the Egyptian made bread they use sand to make it. Some people who ate the bread some of their teeth fell out. Ancient Egypt play a major role in the Bible. The Israelites were slaves to the Egyptian, but Moses helped them escape and I learned that.
    The Pharaohs of Egypt were buried in pyramids or in secret tombs. Most of the pharaohs earlier than king Tut was buried in the secret tombs. But the pharaohs that were buried in the secret tombs were robbed. The tombs were robbed because people who were poor need valuables to sell, so that why people robbed tombs. But the tombs that were in the pyramids were not robbed because people did not know where they were.
    The website I use was and

  3. Tyrese 207
    Have you ever been fascinated by something? I have I am fascinated about Ancient Egypt pyramids. The first ever pyramid was built 4,700 years ago. It was called the Step Pyramid, which was made for a pharaoh named Djoser. He was the pharaoh of the 3rd dynasty. The Step Pyramid is now 203′. The first smooth sided pyramid was called the Red Pyramid at Dahshur. The most celebrated pyramid was called the Pyramid of Giza.
    The Pyramid of Giza was very well known for being the only structure out of the seven wonders that are still surviving. It was built for Khufu. The sides of the pyramid average was 755.75 feet and its original height was 481.4 feet. Making it the largest pyramid in the world. The pyramid was approximately 2.3 million blocks of stone weighing around 2.5 tons each. Herodus wrote that it took 20 years to built and it required about 100,000 men. Later evidence showed that it was about 20,000 men to finish the pyramid.

  4. Egypt is home to one of the longest rivers in the world. When there was an abundant flow if water, it created a flow of a river, and it eventually got bigger and bigger. A bad thing about the Nile is that when it rained alot it flooded some cities and villages. A good thing about it is that when the water reduces it creates a soil called silt, which is good for farming. Because of the Nile, nomads moved in and made Egypt into a great place. There was also an abundant flow of food, so more people came in. They used the flooding of the Nile to their benefit, and they created an irrigation system. That let them grow even more crops.

    There were alot of jobs such as a surveyor. What surveyors did was they measured land and planned how to bulid the irrigation canals. They used mathematical calculations to help plan. This math helped the Egyptians build great things. People in this time used trade alot. They traded crops, good, and other things. They shipped these things by boat. The river became like a modern day highway that imported and exported people and goods. This made Egyptians very wealthy and helped build the civilization. King Menes united Upper and Lower Egypt. The symbol for Lower Egypt was white and for Upper, red.

  5. Nadia 207

    A topic about ancient Egypt that I think is interesting is the Great Sphinx. A Sphinx is a mythological creature with the body of a lion and the head of a person. In ancient Egypt a lot of times the head was that of a pharaoh or a god. It was built 4,500 years ago and stands over 66ft tall. It stands towards the sunrise to guard the pyramid of Khafre at Giza. It has the head of a pharaoh and a body of a lion. The head also has a pharaoh's headdress.

    It was built using limestone. The Sphinx is the largest free-standing sculpture in the world. Wind and sand eroded away the limestone over a long period of time. Limestone blocks have been added to it to repair the damage of the original carving. The eyes are about 6ft tall! The ears are 3ft and the nose was 5ft before it was knocked off. A portion of the beard could be seen in the British Museum in London. The Egyptians built sphinx to guard tombs and temples.

  6. Egyptian Writing

    Egyptian writing had scripts and there are three important scripts. The first one is Hieroglyphics, or scared writing. Hieroglyphics is the most famous script which uses pictures as symbols. Hieroglyphics was carved or painted on stone monuments, tombs where the dead were buried,and temples where the gods were treated or worshiped.

    The second main script is Hiertatic or priests writing. Hieroglyphics was to difficult to use as handwriting but then a simpler form was made so that the priests could write records on papyrus or a thick piece of paper. Hieratic writing used pictures as symbols.

    The third main Egyptian script is Demotic, or people's writing made from Hieratic writing but was much more easier and had no pictures. Even though hieroglyphics or hieratic that was in common use. Like hieratic writing, it was written on papyrus or thick paper, the earliest form of paper which was developed from papyrus reeds.

  7. Hector 207

    Pyramids of Egypt

    There are three amazing pyramids of Giza. These three pyramids are one of the worlds most famous attractions. These pyramids are called the pyramid of Menkaure, Khafre, and Khufu. The Pyramid of Khufu is the largest pyramid it was finishesd around (2566 BCE). Pyramid of Khafre owner Khafre wanted it to be large and was finished around (2530 BCE). The Pyramid of Menkaure was the last pyramid to be build and was finished around (2566 BCE).

    The Pyramids of Giza were build by slaves and workers who volunteered. The Pyramids were made out of large blocks of limestone. The Pyramid were build to put the tombs of Pharaohs. There are about 80 pyramids in Egypt.the pyramids were made out of tools like pickaxes and chisels. The pyramids of Giza are one of the most amazing things to see.

  8. Ancient Egypt

    The Sahara Desert is located in the north of Africa. Over a thousand years ago it used to rain a lot in Africa, that's what formed the Nile river. In the rainy season the Nile would flood the lands. When the water went down the water left moisture in the soil, this was good for farming. The Nile river caused an irrigation system like the Shaduf and a job like a surveyor.

    The pyramids are a famous symbol of Egypt. They also have mysteries and questions that still remain unanswered. Engineers are trying to figure out how the pyramids were built. They'er also tombs for the pharaohs.

    Imhotep the Wise was the first Egyptian to found medicine The Egyptian's used an old paper called papyrus to write down medical notes. They were the first to have specialist doctors. They dealt with the skin, bones, teeth, and the heart. If a person needed surgery they can do that too and were very advanced. The doctors also took care of the dead by mummify. Arin

  9. Osiris and Isis

    The topic I found the most interesting was the ancient Egyptian gods and goddesses. I found the god Osiris interesting, along with the goddess, Isis. Osiris was the god of death, the afterworld, and rebirth. He had green- colored skin, and had white clothing, to represent mummification. He was Isis's brother, and was her helper. Osiris was believed to have died when Apep, the eater of souls, killed him. Then, he rose from the dead and became king of the underworld.

    Isis was the goddess of healing, motherhood, children, nature, and protection. She married her brother, Osiris, and had a kid named Horus. She was not only worshipped in ancient Egypt, but was also worshipped in Italy, Spain, Pannonia, Britain, Germany, Asia Minor, and Portugal. She was seen to Egyptians as the mother of the Pharos.


  10. Egyptian History

    Have you ever been to Egypt? It is one of the worlds oldest civilizations. Did you know that Egyptians invented the first writing system which was called hieroglyphics.

    Egypt lasted for more than 3000 years. Egyptians depended on the Nile River because of it's water supply since Egypt was basically a desert. Women and Men wore clothing made from linen which was a light cool fabric. They mostly ate bread. The bread was so hard and it made the Egyptians teeth come out. They also ate fruits, vegetables, lamb, and goat.

    One famous pharaoh was Cleopatra. She was a female pharaoh. She was also a famous general that lead her troops into battle. Another famous pharaoh in Egypt was Tutankhamen, but he only ruled for 10 years. He ruled over ever since he was 9 years old. Wow that really young! King Tut enjoyed being a leader and did the best for his people and community.
    I would love to take a trip to Egypt. Would you?

    YouTube/Ancient Egypt

  11. Vanessa G6 Rm207 Link:

    Ancient Egyptian Art

    The main idea of this essay is about Ancient Egyptian Art such as paintings and statues and etc. Pictures were either carved on stone or slate, or they were painted on walls. Ancient Egyptian Art was made to show that the king was a God. Some paintings can be found on the walls where the tomb is. Egyptian art was beginning to make sculptures as well as carvings and paintings. The pharaoh in paintings are always bigger than any other people in the pictures.
    Its said that Egyptian sculptures show human faces as they really were. It has the figure facing directly forwards. Its also said that the figures are standing or sitting up and are very stiff and formal. Craftsmen used jewels or gems to decorate the mummy cases. Unlike paintings, sculptures or statues lasted well because of the hard stone the Egyptians used. I find Ancient Egyptian art interesting because I am also into art and I think that many of the paintings and sculptures are very interesting to look at. As well as the way the tomb is decorate or made.

  12. Xazia Jimenez

    Egypt was home to one of the most advanced civilizations of the ancient world, lasting around 3100 BCE to 30 BC. The ancient Egyptians left behind many dues about their way of life. From giant temples to pyramids to statues, painting, mummies, and picture writing called hieroglyphics.

    Egyptians worshipped Gods and Goddess. The Nile River flooded them and also provided them with water and stuff. Great floods would come every year. Historians usually group of Ancient Egypt into three kingdoms called the Old kingdom, the Middle kingdom, and the New kingdom. Egypt has a rich culture including the government

  13. Lily C 206
    Interesting Ancient Egypt

    We are studying Ancient Egypt or can be called Egyptology. Ancient Egypt lasted from around 3100 BCE to 30 BCE, but then the Romans had conquered the civilization. What I find very interesting is that the Nile River had helped develop this civilization. Since it was located in a great place, Egypt had many enemies because they wanted to take their land, power, and wealth. One side of Egypt was the desert which had helped protect them from wars and attacks from enemies, and the other side was the Nile River which helped in trade, food, and to contact other villages. People lived by the Nile River, but it was hard because sometimes it will flood the land. Because of flooding, people were clever, they created an irrigation system, like a surveyor which helped calculate math and the water flow. But it was also good if it flooded because then the wet soil was great for growing crops (this is why nomads moved toward the Nile too).

    I also find very interesting is how the two parts of Egypt combined and development in society or placement of people. There are two parts in Egypt, the Upper Egypt and the Lower Egypt. So then they were bought together, which also means that the crowns of the two were combined. The Upper Egypt had a white crown while the Lower Egypt had a red one, so in the end they combined the two together making one united. The crown was also called the double crown. There was a development in the placement of people, for example there were the most powerful which were the pharaohs or the gods which were worshiped. Then there were the priest who served and were loyal to the pharaohs. Next was the scribes and they knew how to write so they recorded important information. After are the soldiers which fought to protect the people and went to take over lands. Then there are traders and crafts people, next were peasants, and lastly were the slaves.

    Lastly what I find interesting were the tombs, burial places, and pyramids. The tombs and burial places of pharaohs were in the pyramids they built for them. These pyramids took forever to build though. Inside the pharaoh’s tomb were treasures and artifacts belonging to them. Because they believed that they need their treasures with them when buried to help them in the afterlife. So archaeologists found many artifacts along with the tombs. Not only there were treasures and artifacts but there were also painting inside the tomb. To add on to that, there were even sculptures, jars, and amulets inside too. The amulets were thought to help protect you and keep you safe. These are all the things I find interesting about Ancient Egyptians and their land."Fun Facts for Kids on Animals, Earth, History and More!" DK Find Out! N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Feb. 2017. "Kid's Animated History Egypt." YouTube. YouTube, 18 Nov. 2015. Web. 23 Feb. 2017. "Understanding Ancient Egypt." Ancient Egyptian History for Kids - Fun Facts to Learn. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Feb. 2017. "Ancient Egypt for Kids." World History: Ancient Egypt for Kids. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Feb. 201

  14. The Nile River is the longest river in the world; it is about 4,987 miles long. This was started by constant raining eventually causing a small river expanding into a bigger one. The Nile river was the heart of the Egypt. The water was used for farming, drinking, good trading and many other uses. The farmers used two things one thing was the annul flooding and they dug tunnels in the to irrigate the fields. This would leave rich soil called slit.

    Did you know that the Nile river was mainly used for dumping trash and transporting goods? The Egyptians dumped their trash into the river and they used the same water for drinking, bathing and many more. Goods were mostly transported by boats made out of papyrus plant. They made the boats by pushing papyrus down together; the boats were very thin and mostly used. They were also used for fishing.
    In conclusion, the Nile river was a popular and most used river by the Egyptians. The Egyptians used the Nile for growing crops along the river.

    by Emile Jones

  15. Tell Me More on Ancient Egypt

    How did ancient Egypt started? Well, nomads realized if you put a seed in the ground it will grow. The country is famous for the pyramids, the Nile River, and the Sahara Desert. There was an abundant rain in Africa. There was little water but it got bigger. Soon it forms into the Nile River. In Egypt there were different 7 classes on the social pyramids. That included the pharaohs, priest, scribes, soldiers, traders and craftsmen, peasants, and slaves.

    The most famous symbols of ancient Egypt were the great pyramids. These pyramids have mysteries and questions that are still not answered. Could you imagine trying to figure something out for centuries or even millennium! Even the advanced modern engineers can’t figure it out. The pharaohs of Egypt thought that they should create work to show their greatness for generations. Every one of the pharaohs would build an amazing sculpture for one of the gods or themselves.

    People in Egypt believed that they could carry stuff with them that are in the tombs. They also believed Osiris would weigh your heart with a feather and if it was not equal you body was burned in fire forever. Who is Osiris you ask. He was the god of the afterlife. Ancient Egyptian wrote spells and put stuff in the tomb to help the people in the afterlife. So to summarize ancient Egypt was a place where for some people life started!


    By: Emily
    Room: 206

  16. Camila Room-206 Egyptian Times

    Egypt lasted 3100 BCE to 30 BCE. Egypt had the most advanced civilization when it was conquered by the romans. They survived with living in the dessert to protect themselves from invaders, they also survived with the fertile farmland near the Nile river. They survived for many years with not a lot of changes. And because of them, they left behind many clues on how they lived life by building temples, pyramids, statues they also left behind paintings, mummies and picture writing.
    In Egypt there where many monuments but the most famous one’s were the pyramids. This monuments where built for pharaoh’s and their family members after death. All around Egypt there are about eighty pyramids, but the most famous pyramid’s are in Giza in the north of Egypt. An example of popular a pyramid are the pyramid of Menkaure, this pyramid was constructed for Pharaoh Menkaure it was finished around 2500 BCE after the Great Pyramid.
    In Egypt it was beloved that if your body was damaged or if your body rotted its believed that your spirit will suffer in the afterlife. And so to prevent that they arranged that their bodies would be preserved, and the preserved bodies were called mummies. The mummies of the Pharaoh or their family member were buried in rich coffins, sometimes surrounded by gold.

    I used as my bibliography.

  17. Pharaohs

    While reading these sources I found it very interesting all the things about the Pharaoh. One thing I learned during this was that Pharaoh means great house describing a place or kingdom. I also learned that Pharaohs wore a crown that had an image of the cobra goddess. Only the Pharaoh was allowed to wear the cobra goddess because it was said that she would spit flames at enemies to protect the Pharaoh. Many had thought that they were half human and half God.

    Also that they were thought to control the Nile river flooding each year. Then that a cartouche was an oval shape that has the the name of the king inside. Also that they liked to wear make up. All that I have learned was very amazing. Yet there is still for me to learn about.

  18. Bryan 206
    Ancient Egypt Architecture

    The great Egyptian architecture creates more interest on scientists and archeologist to search for more information about this great civilization. There are many different types of structures that tell us the story of Egyptians. The three types of construction Egyptians are known for are pyramids, temples, and a regular Egyptian houses.
    The pyramids were built to house the dead pharaohs and their treasures. What attract most of us to Egypt are the Pyramids because they are “The most famous monuments of Ancient Egypt”. There are more than 80 pyramids in Egypt but the most popular are the ones located in Giza. The pyramids were made up of large blocks of limestone, which caused the construction weight a lot. For example “The Great Pyramid weighs 5.7 Million tons, or as much as 16 Empire State Buildings.” The largest pyramid ever built is known as the Great Pyramid or the Pyramid of Khufu; unfortunately, the grave robbers took the mummy and its treasures centuries ago.
    The Egyptians believed in creating works that will proclaim their greatness throughout the ages as stated by the “Kid's Animated History Egypt”. Temples were constructed in honor of many Gods and pharaohs’ themselves too. The temples were built using stones or solid rocks. Temples such as Abu Simbel, Luxor, and Karnak are examples of great constructions.
    An Egyptian house was built from mud bricks; it was cool inside and had a flat roof so that in very hot weather people could sleep on the roofs in the cool of the night. The mud was carried in baskets from the Nile and poured into moulds. When the mud in the mould was dry, it was turned out and left to bake in the heat of the sun. (
    Egyptian architecture is fascinating because the Egyptian civilization lasted more than 3000 years and there is so much to discover and learn from them. One day I hope I can go to Egypt so that I can see the pyramids, temples and what is left of Ancient Egypt.

  19. The Gods

    Their were many gods in ancient Egypt. Some gods were human. Others were part human part animal. Some looked like cats, jackals, crocodiles, and falcons. Most religions only worshiped one god. But the Egyptions worshipped many gods. The god Isis was the god of protecting and healing. She is like the hero of Egypt. Isis is painted on to many coffins. Isis has a brother. His name is Osiris.

    The gods were very important to the Egyptians. Osiris was murdered by his jealous brother Seth. Seth captured him. He put him in a tree. The tree was called the "Tree of life". Osiris was well-known for his colored skin. His skin was green. He was the god of death. He was the god of the Underworld and Rebirth. Osiris is the brother of Isis. In conclusion I find the gods interesting!

    Amaryllis Rm:207

  20. Makda 207


    Hieroglyphics is a writing system that uses picture writing which was made in ca. 3000 B.C.E (5000 years ago) by Egyptians. This system had nearly 2000 symbols that stood for numbers, letters, and whole words. The writing can be written in almost direction such as left to right, right to left, and top to bottom, but it all depends on the way the hieroglyphs are facing. To write in hieroglyphs it took years of practice and education because it was so complicated. People would start training to write hieroglyphs when they were 6 or 7 so they could become a scribe. But you had to be very privileged to be taught. A scribe is a person who knew how to write in hieroglyphs. If you were a scribe then you didn’t have to pay taxes or join in the army.
    Hieroglyphics were mostly used for important documents unlike demotic script which was a simpler form of writing and was used for everyday activities. Some examples of what hieroglyphs were used for are laws, religious texts, carvings on tombs and monuments, temples, tablets, and walls. Papyrus is a type of paper they also wrote on. A tall reed plant was used for making this paper. That plant is called Papyrus. Today we know how to read hieroglyphics because of the Rosetta Stone. The Rosetta Stone is a stone that was found in 1799 by a French soldier in the city of Rosetta. This stone is important because it helped to translate what the hieroglyphics said so it could be used to translate other hieroglyphs as well. Along with hieroglyphs there was also Greek written on this stone.
    Cartouches are oval-shaped containers that the Egyptians wrote the names of their kings and queens inside of. When the scribes wrote hieroglyphics they couldn’t use vowels and weren’t able to show the difference between present and past tense. They even couldn’t write a person’s name! So it was pretty complex. But even if hieroglyphics was hard it was still an ancient writing system that many wanted to learn in ancient Egypt.

    The links I used were:

  21. Shaen R 206
    Egypt was a civilization that lasted 3,000 years. Egypt was filled with pyramids, mummies, and Pharos. It also had temples, statues, paintings, and hieroglyphs. Hieroglyphics are a firm of writing that's was used back them. But when kings died they would be Barry. Them is tombs and would fill the tombs will amulets and there treasures for the after life. The most famous place in Egypt is the pyramids of Giza. They were ruled by pharaohs. There were powerful kings and queens who ruled Egypt. The were cobra crowns on there head. Cleopatra was the last pharaoh. She ruled when the romans had taken over Egypt. She didn't want it to happen so she set up trade routes to India. The bodies of power full leaders were dried and turned into mummies. So they did not go bad. The Egyptians praised to over 2,000 gods and goddesses.

  22. Egyptian Amulets:

    An amulet is a charm people wear to protect them, or bring them good luck. In this day in age, people use a good luck coin as an amulet. Back in ancient Egyptian times, people used amulets in aa similar way. They believed amulets helped in protecting their lives.

    In Egyptian times, people created amulets that represented gods. They believed that they will tun into powers. They believed that amulets were magic the could be understood by its shape. They also believed that the amulets were sculpted with a magical ingredient, that will activate the power.

    Some weird items were used to make these charms. Some include peridots, emeralds, feldspar, carnelians, malachite, lapis lazuli, turquoise, tiger’s eye, chalcedony, and amethysts. They believed each charm had a special use. Some to bring good nights dreams, fight off devils, and bring luck to the pharaoh. Both poor and rich people wore amulets. The poor usually used amulets as a replacement of going to the temple to worship.

    Amulets were also placed into mummy tombs, for protection to the afterlife. The amulets for the dead were called the Four Sons of Horus. They were needed to enter the afterlife.

  23. Shalom 207

    The History Of Egypt

    For almost 30 centuries—from its unification around 3100 B.C. to its conquest by Alexander the Great in 332 B.C.—ancient Egypt was the preeminent civilization in the Mediterranean world. From the great pyramids of the Old Kingdom through the military conquests of the New Kingdom, Egypt’s majesty has long entranced archaeologists and historians and created a vibrant field of study all its own: Egyptology. The main sources of information about ancient Egypt are the many monuments, objects and artifacts that have been recovered from archaeological sites, covered with hieroglyphs that have only recently been deciphered. The picture that emerges is of a culture with few equals in the beauty of its art, the accomplishment of its architecture or the richness of its religious traditions.

    The Ancient Egyptian Empire began to weaken in about 700 BC. It was conquered by a number of other civilizations. The first to conquer Egypt was the Assyrian Empire, followed a hundred or so years later by the Persian Empire. In 332 BC, Alexander the Great of Greece conquered Egypt and set up his own ruling family called the Ptolemaic Dynasty. Finally, the Romans came in 30 BC and Egypt became a province of Rome.

    The ancient Egyptian civilization lasted for more than 3000 years, longer than any other civilization in human history. Ancient Egyptians depended on the waters of the Nile River, which flows through a dry desert. Only the land on the banks of the Nile could be cultivated to support life. The rest of Egypt was, and still is a desert.

  24. Marissa S. 207

    Sahara desert is in north of Africa. Thousands of years ago there were plenty of rain storms that lead to creating the Nile river. In the raining season every civilization near the Nile was flooded. But in the drought season the land is perfect for farming because the riverbed has fertilized the surrounding soil. Ancient Egypt was born when nomads started building their houses around the Nile. The Egyptians learned how to plant. That means they didn’t have to move in search of food anymore.
    Egyptians were very clever with using the flood water. They used the irrigation system. They traded up and down the Nile. This made the Egyptians wealthy. The crown for upper Egypt is white and the crown for lower Egypt is red. Egyptians use hieroglyphs to write. Scribes were the people who used hieroglyphs on papyrus

  25. Andy 207

    A topic I found interesting about Egypt was their inventions. Some of the inventions the Egyptians made are still used today. For example, they invented toothpaste because the bread they ate had so much grit and sand in it. They also had writing called hieroglyphics and there were few people who could read and write called scribes. This is a little bit on why I found Egyptian inventions interesting.

    The inventions and technology that Ancient Egyptians made had a huge impact on multiple different civilizations. One invention the Egyptians made was their own type of writing, hieroglyphics. Another one of their inventions were papyrus sheets which were used for important documents and religious text. Also, Egyptians had a variety of medicines and cures. The medicines they used were strange, one way was using human brains and honey to cure eye infections. These are only some other inventions that the Egyptians made and there are much more. The inventions they made is an interesting topic for me to learn about.

    Link Used:

  26. Gabriel 207

    There were many advanced civilization. Egypt was one of them. The civilization lasted about 3100 BC to 30 BC. The reason it ended at that time is because the Romans took control. For farming they had the Nile river. The Nile river was one of the longest rivers in the world. They also built pyramids.

    djoiser made the world first Step Pyramid. The largest pyramid that was made is the Great Pyramid. A slightly smaller one is the Pyramid of khafre. The last pyramid that was built was the Pyramid of Menkaure. The pyramids cost a lot of money for them to build it. They buried the mummies in the pyramids. Archaeologist could find no mummies in the pyramids.

  27. Egypts Pharaohs

    Egypt had many pharaohs, some more famous than others. But some that are key to egypt's history. A very famous pharaoh is Tutankhamun or King Tutt. Tutankhamun became pharaoh at the age of nine around 1336 BCE. He is a famous pharaoh because his tomb was found not disturbed for about 3,000. But Tutankhamun died at the age the age c. 18. Pharaohs of this time died at a very young age. If they lived until around 40 that would be amazing but they usually died young.
    Another famous pharaoh is Hatshepsut. She was the first woman pharaoh, she was famous because of being the first woman pharaoh and because she dressed like a man so she could get more respect as a woman. Pharaohs are usually men so being the first female it was hard to be treated with respect. The main idea of my blog on Egypt was about Egypt’s pharaohs. I used the first and third links and I used some information from the myOn books.

  28. Egypt was a advanced civilization because of their farming and architecture. After the Nile River floods they start planting crops so they don't move like nomads. Before the Nile River was there, the Egyptians had to move place to place like a nomad. Now the Nile was there it changed society.

    The art and drawings that Egyptians made were actually writings in their time. It evolved so marks are for sound and it evolved into our modern day. They made pictures for codes or laws too. Those laws or codes made our codes but less harsh. While they have pharaohs we have presidents to lead our country.

  29. Egyptian Writing

    Egyptians wrote using hieroglyphs. Hieroglyphs are a writing using symbols to stand for sounds and actions. They were used in important laws and documents. There is also demotic writing. There were also scribes. They were taught hieroglyphs.

    Only few people knew how to do hieroglyphs. Hieroglyphs were also written on Pharos tombs. Only men specifically were scribes. The scribes were very important. They also got paid a lot of money.

  30. In Social Studies, we've briefly learned, and read on myON something's about Egypt. The thing about Egypt that interested me most is the writing of ancient Egypt. There are different types of writing such as Hieroglyphics, Hieratic writing, and Demotic writing. Over time, Egyptians switched the type of writing they used.

    One type of writing they used was Hieroglyphic writing. Hieroglyphics writing was pictures as marks or signs. Ancient Egyptians used this writing for carving on tombs, and were also drawn on statues and pillars. Besides Hieroglyphic writing, Ancient Egyptians used a writing called Hieratic. Hieratic is a writing that's simpler than Hieroglyphics writing. Demotic writing was a simple type of writing that had no pictures involved in the writing.

    The link source I used was

  31. Abigail 207
    Female Pharaohs

    Ancient Egypt was a wonderful country. It was the most stable civilization in human history, lasting for more than 3,000 years. Women and men were also considered as equals under the law. Women ran businesses, borrowed money, and owned property. But something that I find interesting were the female Pharaohs.

    In Ancient Egypt, ruling as Pharaoh was usually a males job. But there were two women who ruled over Egypt. First, there was Hatshepsut. She was BC and died 1458 BC. She was queen and regent, but she claimed herself Pharaoh. When she ruled, there was peace in Egypt. She was not interested in war, but instead, she negotiated peaceful deals. During her 9th year ruling, she sent out expeditions to the land of Punt. The ships came back with ivory, gold, myrrh, and trees.

    Cleopatra, also known as the last Pharaoh of Ancient Egypt, was an excellent leader. She was born 69 BC and died August 30th, 30 BC. She was a princess, and was smart and cunning as a child. Her father was pharaoh Ptolemy XII. Even though she was ruler of Egypt, she was of greek descent. When her father died, she ruled together with her brother. But as he grew older, he wanted more power and kicked Cleopatra out and took over. Julius Caesar arrived in Egypt and convinced Caesar to help her win back the throne, and they did. After Cleopatra died, Egypt was taken over by Octavian and the Roman Empire.

    These two women helped a lot in Ancient Egypt. When they ruled, peace and prosperity filled the land. They were a very important part of Egypt's history that we should learn about. The links I use were the history for kids link, and the ducksters link.

  32. Ancient Egypt
    Egypt was a type of home to one of the most advanced civilizations of ancient world. It lasted to around 3100 BCE to 30 BCE. Only when it was conquered with the romans. It was ported from invaders by deserts. They were only fed fertile farmland on the banks of the Nile river.

    The Egyptian civilization survived for thousands of years with few major changes. The Ancient Egyptians left behind many clues. They left clues about their way of life. Another reason they left clues is because of their giant temples and pyramids. Another reason they left clues was because of their paintings, mummies, and picture writing called hieroglyphics.

    The source I used was

  33. Emily A. 207
    Egypt's Pyramids
    Egypt's pyramids are cool. The pyramids have the tombs of the pharaohs of Egypt. A pharaoh is another name for king. The pyramids also hold a pharaohs treasure along with its body. The pyramids don't contain the mummy of the pharaoh because they have been stolen many years ago. The one mummy they could find was King Tutankhamun. He was once a pharaoh of Egypt. Some of the most famous pyramids are the ones located at Giza. Giza is in the northern part of Egypt.
    The Great Pyramid is found at Giza. It is one of the most largest pyramid ever built. It is made up of 2,300,000 limestone blocks. It is 482 feet tall. The Great Pyramid is also referred to the Pyramid of Khufu. Khufu was also a pharaoh of Egypt and is buried inside the pyramid. The pyramid was finished around 2566 BCE.

  34. Alexis Perez

    The life of ancient Egypt lasted for more than 3000 years and it is also the longest time a civization lasted in human history(we are talking about a period that started more than 5000 years ago). Ancient Egyptians are best famous for their building skils and pyramids were used for bariel places for of an Egyptian King before the start of the old kingdom until the end of the middle kingdom. The ancient Egyptians are famous for many scientific achievements like metal working, including copper and gold. Ancient Egyptians worshiped hundreds of gods and goddesses. Many of them are shown in paintings and sculptures ,in the shape of animals. From the beginnings of the Old kingdom until the New kingdom the most powerful is the king and occasionally the queen. The king was known as the Pharaoh.

    There are three primary kingdoms that historians use to define periods of ancient Egypt. After each kingdom there is an intermediate period. The old kingdoms were the Old, Middle, and the New Kingdoms. The Pharaoh of egypt, Menes, united the Upper and Lower parts of Egypt into a single civilization.He put the capital at the mid point of the to lands in a city called Memphis.

  35. The link source I used was

    www.history for

  36. Sana S. 206
    Popular Egyptian Architecture

    Ancient Egypt is a fascinating and well-known ancient civilization. A structure that it is well-known for are its pyramids. The first one of this famous structure was the Step Pyramid, built for King Djoser. The architect of the pyramid was the intelligent Imhotep. However, this wasn’t the first true pyramid, because it didn’t have smooth sides. That’s where it gets its name. There is another well-known pyramid called the Great Pyramid at Giza built for King Khufu. It is the oldest of the 7 ancient wonders of the world. This was a true pyramid, but not the first either.
    Temples are another thing that the ancient Egyptians are well-recognized for. They were believed to be the homes of gods and goddesses. They were built with brick, stone, etc. One real temple is one that was built at Luxor. Another was built at Abu Simbel.


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