Saturday, February 18, 2017



Date assigned 2/18/17 DUE DATE 2/25/17 by NOON

Using the attached links, you will choose ONE explorer and read AND take notes about him. You will write a MINIMUM of 3 paragraph response essay. You must include the following information in your response:**NOTE THIS IS AN ESSAY RESPONSE, NOT A LIST!
Name of explorer, country he came from, county that sponsored his voyage, dates of voyages, what this explorer found/explored, how long the voyage took, describe the voyage and the results of the voyage. How was his voyage commemorated (was/is anything named after this explorer). When was explorer born, when did explorer die. How has this explorers findings changed our world. Exploration  must have taken place between 1400-1600.


  1. So the explorer i chose is Amerigo Vespucci because the continent(s) ''America'' is named after Vespucci's first name. Amerigo Vespucci was born in what is now the united states 1451. Vespucci became a great explorer through the letter that he wrote to Christopher Columbus explaining what he found during his explorations. The letter motivated Christopher Columbus to travel for new land to become a famous. The race between Vespucci and Columbus began. Everyone listened closely to their radios to see who would be the first European explorer to discover the New World. Christopher Columbus won but he was the first person who knew that all lands wasn't part of Asia this was an upsetting loss for Vespucci. He died in 1515.

  2. The explorer I chose was Marco Polo. The country Marco Polo came from was Venice, Italy. No countries had sponsored Marco Polo's voyages. In 1271 Marco Polo merchantman his father and uncle on a journey through the Holy Land, Persia and Tartary and to the Empire of China. In 1295 Marco Polo arrives in Venice with the finest collection of jewels ever seen. The Polos continued, traveling primarily overland and swinging north and south through Armenia, Persia, Afghanistan, and the Pamir Mountains.
    Then, they cut across the vast Gobi Desert to Beijing. The journey took three to four years and was rife with hardships and adventure. Marco Polo contracted an illness and was forced to take refuge in the mountains of northern Afghanistan for an extended period of time. The voyage to China took three years. Marco Polo explored across Asia at the height of the Mongol Empire, China, Myanmar, and Vietnam. Marco Polo was born in Venice, Italy in 1254.
    Marco Polo died January 8, 1324, in Venice, Italy. Marco Polo has explored and found many things and was a great merchantman. His voyage to China was successful and he had some great results with him. He found jewels that Venice has never seen before. That is my explorer I chose Marco Polo.

  3. This is Amahry, this is my response. A boy named Johnny Adams was born in 1774. Johnny was with his dad named John Adams. He was sailing across the Atlantic Ocean to get to France, But It was Winter and it will be hard sailing because the snow will be blowing making it hard for the captain to drive, Ice can slow down the ship, and the most DANGEROUS type is icebergs, Icebergs are so sharp, They can pop a hole into the ship and make it sink to the bottom of the ocean. A group called the pilgrims went through the same danger to, the Pilgrims sailed in the season of winter. Johnny and his dad packed things they NEEDED like food, drinks, and clothes. Just then, A group of British frigates spotted the ship, then they fired the cannon at them, luckily they had cannons loaded on the ship. They rushed down at the cannons and kept firing until the British frigates leaved. 2 days past and they have not reached land yet, but a mate saw the land of Europe, They hae reached there Destination

    1. Amahry-
      John Adams was NOT an explorer. He was the son of John Adams and a future president of the United States. The blog indicated that the exploration should have taken place between 1300-1600.

  4. Isabella 209

    The explorer that I chose is Marco Polo. This man was born in Venice, Italy in 1254. He died January 8, 1324 in Venice, Italy. Venice, Italy was a very good trading place. Marco is most famous for his long voyage from Europe to China in the far East.

    It took Marco three years to get to China. He took two travels. He stayed in China from 1275-1292. When Marco finally got to China, he learned to speak their language. The Chinese ruler was very impressed so he gave him a "job" as his "assistant". Marco took the offer expecting a very good treatment. In reality, it was very dirty work.

    Nothing was named after Marco Polo. His name is just a regular Italian name and his father's name was Niccolo Polo. As I mentioned before, he was born in 1254 and died 1324. This explorer changed our world/life because without everything that happened in the past, the word wouldn't be the same.

  5. My Biography of an explorer from 1400-1600 is Juan Ponce de Leon. He was an explorer born in 1474 in Satervas de Campos, Spain. He discovered Florida and the Fountain of Youth, which he was best known for. Juan discovered Florida on April 2nd, 1513 and discovered the Fountain of Youth during his discovery of Florida.
    Juan was actually searching for the Fountain of Youth before discovering Florida. In 1513, it took four months for Juan and 200 men to travel north with 3 ships. After discovering Florida, Juan named the state, "La Florida", because he discovered the land near Easter.
    In conclusion, after discovering Florida and the Fountain of Youth, Juan Ponce de Leon had nothing named after his discovery. Sadly, Juan died in 1521 in Havana, Cuba after being shot with a poisoned arrow during an attack from Native Americans attacking colonists. So in conclusion, Juan Ponce de Leon discovered two major areas but has not have anything named after him.

  6. Janae 208
    Jacques Cartier

    The explorer I pick out is Jacques Cartier and the country he comes from St. Malo Brittany France. The country that sponsored him France was his home country. The day Jacques Cartier sailed out was on April 20,1534 with two ships and 61 men on two ships. Jacques Cartier was going out to find gold but then he found land and named it Canada.

    The voyage took 20 days but some men didn’t make it. On April 20,1534 Jacques Cartier set sail from St. Malo in Brittany with two ships and 61 men. He had been commissioned by king Francois to search for a passage to Asia to get gold either around or tough the new world they catch two sons from the native America chief sons and brought the Spain. His result of his voyage is that he didn’t found gold but he found land and some people lived.

    Jacques Cartier was named after bridge called Jacques Cartier and river called Jacques Cartier river. Jacques was born on December31,1491 and died on September 1,1557.Jacques Cartier change our world because he found land and named it Canada a lot of people live in Canada include my aunt if he didn’t found it then I don’t know what to do any more.

  7. Sir Francis Drake was born in Tavistock,England. He was born between the years 154 to 1544. His father was a minister in the English navy. As a child, he was to be a sea captain. He didn't know that he would ave fortune and fame.

    The first expedition was with John Hawkins. He captained the ship Judith, one of that made up the fleet to Africa. On the trip, they captured slaves and sold the slaves at a Spanish port but the Spanish then attacked them. Drake's ship survived, but they did not forget. When Drake returned to England, he became a privateer. As time passes, Drake destroyed many Spanish ships, towns, and took their gold and silver, making England rich.

    Later on, Queen Elizabeth gave Drake a mission to discover land in South America. His main ship was called the Pelican or the Golden Hind. Drake's expedition was the second to go around the world. On September 26, 1580, Drake returned to England. When he showed the Queen Elizabeth the valuables, he was knighted as Sir Francis Drake. In 1588, The Spanish Armada came to England to take over the country. Then Elizabeth named Drake the vice admiral of the English navy. Drake beat the Armada and he later died of dysentery on a expedition on January 27, 1596

  8. Loren RM 208 Hernan Cortes

    Hernan Cortes was a Spanish explorer.He was born in 1485 in Medilln Castile Spain. His parents wanted for him to go to law school. He went to law school for 6 years. He stopped going because he did not like it. He was fascinated that Christopher Columbus went to explore the new world, he was interested. So he wanted to become an explorer and explorer the new world too.
    There was at least 3 expeditions that Hernan Cortes did. In 1504 he went to discover the new world. In 1511 he went with Diego on an expedition to Cuba. In 1518 Cortes was put in charge for an expedition to the mainland of mexico. He also found some riches on the way. He changed our world by defeating the Aztec empire. If he did not defeat the empire the he would still be standing today ad our world would be very different. His voyages took about 1000 days.
    Something that was named after Hernan Cortes is the gulf of California which was originally called the sea of Cortes. Some of Cortes's results of his voyages was that he won many battles against the natives. Another result was that when he was on the ship there was a shipwreck and the ship sunk but he was one of the survivors. Sadly he died at the age of 64. December 2, 1547 in castilleja de la cuesta Spain. He died because of an illness.

  9. Angelica Hanna RM 209
    Marco Polo
    Marco Polo was born in Venice,Italy. Born on September 15, 1254. Nothing was named after him. He died on January 8, 1324.It was 20 years to do all of the traveling.
    In 1260, Marco's father, uncle and himself set sail from Constantinople to the Crimea on a trading journey. In 1269, the men returned to Venice. In 1271, they journeyed through the Holy Land. In 1274, they traveled back to China. In the 1280's they traveled through Asia. In 1295, they returned back to Venice.
    He journeyed across Asia at the height of the Mongol Empire. he traveled along the Silk Road by foot. Marco entered the power Mongol.

  10. This is Tianeil, here is my essay.
    The explorer i choose for my essay is Henry Hudson.
    Henry Hudson was born in the the year of 1665 in or near the city of London, England. He did four expeditions, and was sponsored three times by England and once by the Dutch. Hudson's voyages were in the years 1607, 1608, 1609 and 1610. Through out Henry Hudson explorations he explored Europe, Asia, Africa and North America. He was best known for his mappings of the Hudson River and the North Atlantic. He found the Hudson river, the Hudson Bay and the Hudson Strait, in North America which were all named after him. Hudson's voyages took at least four years.
    On Henry Hudson first voyage in 1607, funded by the Muscovy Company he sailed on the ship called the Hopewell. He sailed with his crew including his 16 year old son named John. They sailed North to the coast of Greenland and an Island called Spitsbergen. In Spitsbergen he discovered a bay of whales and walruses. They kept going North until they were unable to get pass the ice. Within 2 months they tried to find a way through the ice. But was not successful and had to turn back home to England. His second voyage was in 1608 funded again by the Muscovy Company and sailed again on the Hopewell. They sailed in hopes of finding a way to the northeast over Russia. They sailed as far as an Island called Novaya Zemlya which was located far to the north of Russia. Unfortunately, they again were unable to pass through the ice, and returned home.
    By Henry Hudson's third expedition, he went to the Dutch and was funded by the Dutch East India Company. They wanted him to try and find a way around Russia again going to Novaya Zemlya. But he decided to travel a different route. Because of the cold weather and his crew nearly mutinied against him, he turned around and sailed to North America. He landed and found Native Americans, he then traveled South and found a river. He explored the river which was later to be called the Hudson River. After a while the Half Moon was unable to travel up the river, they had to return home. Upon returning home, he was arrested by King James the first. He was put under house arrest for sailing for another country. Hudson had many people who supported him and argued for his release. He was released and sailed for England. On his fourth expedition, on April 17, 1610 funded by the Virginia Company. He sailed to find the Northwest passage to Asia. He set sail on a new ship called the Discovery under the English flag. He and his crew sailed to North America but further north than before. They went through the Hudson Strait, the Hudson River and into a large sea, which is now called the Hudson Bay. He hoped that a way to Asia would be found by sea but unfortunately, he did not find a way. The crew began to starve from no food or water, and Hudson was not very kind to them. So then the crew decided mutinied against him. They put him and a few loyal crew members in a small boat and let them adrift. The crew then returned home to England. Henry Hudson is believed to have died between 1611 and 1612. History tells us no one is sure what happened to Henry Hudson, he was never seen again. The Northwest passage was later discovered by explorer Roald Amundsen in 1906. Hudson's expeditions, discoveries and maps became very valuable to both Dutch and England. Both countries were able to establish trading posts and settlements, because of Henry Hudson's explorations.

  11. Marco Polo came from Italy,Venice. Marco was born on September 15, 1254, in Venice,Italy and he died on January 8, 1324. It took Marco three to four years to reach to Asia. Marco Polo discovered a trade route through the Silk Road in Asia. His journey through Asia lasted 24 years. Marco had gotten sick on the way back to China when Kublai Khan gave him a quest.

    At the time Marco was in the desert when he got sick so he wrote in his journal how hot the desert was and there was barely food. The desert was so large it would take a year to travel from one end to the other. When Marco came back from China he became a solider and during a war he was captured and put in jail. He met a writer in jail and the writer was Rustichello who published Marco's book The Travels of Marco Polo.

    Marco Polo changed the world by writing a book about his travels from Venice to the court of Kublai Khan in China. His history of journeys inspired other adventurers, such as Christopher Columbus, who always carried a copy of Polo's book. Maps he brought back helped to develop European cartography, and Marco introduced Europe to Chinese innovations such as paper, money, coal, eyeglasses, and a postal service.

  12. This is Josephine. And this is my assignment. Born in 1254 Venice (Italy) Europe during the middle ages. Before his travel most people didn't know about the world,but Marco knew more about the world than most people. His family was in the business of trading. He started traveling to Asia when he 17 with his father and uncle. His father and uncle already knew the continent and the emperor Kublai Khan. After six years of being (missing) from Europe he came back to become a soldier. Their country was in war with a neighboring country. But their country lost the war and Marco was captured and put into jail for 3 years then released. Marco died in 1324 January 8. He was only 69 at that time. Many things are named after him ships and other things. He was one of the first Europeans to trade with a different country by foot. Many people before and after him have either died on the ship or went to the wrong area. One of his greatest achievements was trading with China to get silk, spices,gold,etc. He even wrote a book to get people interested in traveling!

  13. Onelle 209
    The explorer I chose to write about is Hernando Cortes. I chose to write about him because I wanted to learn about what his life was as an explorer. Hernando Cortez came from Medellin, Extremadura, Spain. Cuba, was the country to sponsor Cortes's voyage. The date ranges of his voyages were was 1502-1519. Cortes's voyage was quite difficult for him.
    For example, for him to get what he wanted he had to travel a lot. He wanted to trade in Mexico for Spain. He ended up defeating Aztec empire. So, since Aztec empire lost at Cortes, Aztec had to trade in Spain for Mexico. No, nothing was named by Cortes after his departure.
    Hernando Cortes was born in the year of 1485. Cortes died on December 2, 1547. I think Hernando's findings changed our world because he explored Mexico and the immigrants there can now have a shelter to know they are safe.

  14. Zheng He was born in the year 1371 in Yunnan Province, China. Many people believed he died on his seventh voyage looking for treasure in 1433. On his first voyage in 1405 Zheng He went to Calicut, India. He also stopped at ports along the way. The country of China sponsored his voyage.
    Zheng was the commander of his fleet of ships. His first voyage had about 200 ships and 1,800 men. He had ships for carrying treasure, horses, troops, and even fresh water. Along the voyage, he made relations and traded at the places he stopped at. They also battled pirates. They caught a famous pirate leader and even took him back to China. His first voyage ended in 1407. He went on six other voyages.
    He went to 25 counties in Africa establishing trade relations with them. He even brought back animals such as giraffes and camels. He brought diplomats back from multiple countries to meet with the Chinese Emperor. Zheng He changed our world by opening trade routes between China and Africa. Nothing was named after Zheng He.

  15. Mayhayraz

    The explorer that I choose is Marco Polo. He was born in Venice Italy in 1254. He was best known for traveling from Europe to China and the far east. Venice was a wealthy trading city. Marcos father was a merchant. He went on his journey to china when he was just 17. He traveled with his father and uncle and he traveled on the silk road.

    It took Marco Polo three years to get to china. His uncle and father met with Kublai Khan. Kublai Khan was china's leader he was the Mongol emperor. Marco lived in china for a lot of years and started to learn their language. He worked as a messenger and spy for Kublai Khan. He even traveled to Myanmar and Vietnam. In those visits he learned about their different cultures, foods, cities, and people.

    He traveled for twenty years and then his father and his uncle
    and Marco decided to go back to Venice. They left in 1271 and returned in 1295. After a few years of returning home Venice, fought a war against the city of Genoa. Marco Polo was captured and was arrested. While he was in jail he told the stories of his journeys to a writer named Rustichello. Rustichello wrote the story of Marcos travels in a book which is called The Travels of Marco Polo. Marco Polo was famous for writing in a notebook when he was traveling. He died in January 8, 1324 in Venice Italy.

  16. Zayin N-W 208

    Francisco Pizarro, Francisco P. came from Trujillo, Spain. His father Gonzolo P. was a colonel in the Spanish Army. His mother Francisca was a poor woman living in Trujillo. Francisco was a Spanish Conquistador who led an expedition conquering the Incan Empire. Pizarro was born in Trujillo, Caceres, Spain. He died in 1541 on June 26 in Lima, Peru. Francisco`s findings changed our world by him succeeding in what he wanted. Francisco didn't really change our world but he did capture the Incan Empire. Because If he didn't the empire wouldn't be how it is today.

    The country that sponsored Francisco`s voyages was Spain. 1532 Pizarro arrived at Cajamarca on November 15 1532. He had a force of 110 foot soldiers. With the help of Vasco Nunez de Balboa, Francisco found the Pacific Ocean. No one really knows how long it took to find the Pacific Ocean.

    Francisco was able to reach the Coast of Columbia and also find gold. The result of that voyage had a good result because he was able to find a small amount of gold. His voyages were commemorated by many people like historians knowing who he was and what he stood for.

  17. I chose Francisco Pizarro. Francisco was from Trujillo, Spain. He was born around 1474. The country that sponsored his voyage was Spain. Diego de Almagro and Pizarro formed a partnership. Almardo came along on Pizarro's voyage. Francisco's three half brothers also came along on the voyage. Pizarro's voyage was in 1531.

    When Pizarro sailed on an expedition that founded the city of San Sebastian. Pizarro joined the Nunez de Balboa. They discovered the Pacific Ocean. Francisco also traded with natives in the new land. On another expedition Francisco helped discovered what in now Costa Rica. When Francisco had a voyage all by himself he found a small amount of gold. Since he found gold he was able to do more voyages. he also found Peru with others.

    Francisco gets greedy for money and power. He also killed the Incas for their leader. Francisco all so killed the leader. Francisco and his partner Diego de Almagro, because they fought over who will be in control. Sadly the fight turned deadly and Diego died. Francisco died in June 26, 1541 in Lima, Peru. One of Diego's men found Francisco and killed him in 1541. Though Francisco was a very greedy man he helped open the doors for other discoveries in the American continents.

  18. Victor 209
    The person that I will be writing about Cristopher Columbus. The country cristopher columbus came from is Spain. THe country that sponsored his voyage was spain from Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand of Spain.

    Cristopher Columbus set sail on August 3,1492 with three ships named the Nina, the Pinta and the Santa Maria. On October 12, 1492 land was spotted it was a small island in the Bahamas that Columbus would name San Salvador he met natives there that are called Idians because he was convinced that he landed on islands off the coast of East Asia.

    The results of the voyage went really good because he found many riches that he had found and brought back to Spain. There was nothing named after Cristopher Columbus at the end of his voyage. THe explorer Cristopher Columbus was born on October 31, 1451 in Genoa, Italy. Cristopher Columbus died on May 20,1506 and in Valladolid,Spain. This explorer's findings changed our world by showing the the people that didn't know about the Americas.

  19. Mandy 209

    Marco Polo was a explorer, merchant, and travler. He was born in Venice,Italy on 1254. Venice was wealthy trading area. Macro Polo explored most of the Far East and China. He traveled with is father and uncle. Marco was only 17 when he went to China. No one really sponsored them.

    It took three years for the Polos to get to China. Along the way they saw new cities and new people from other countries. They saw the Mongol Emperor Kublai Khan. He was China leader. Marco lived in China for along time. He learned how to speak their language over the past years. He traveled by being a messenger. He explored the city of Jerusalem,the mountain of Hindu Kush,Persia, and the Gobi Desert. He visited and learned about different culture,food,cities,and people. He saw many thing.
    After 20 years Kublai Khan let them go. They left home n 1271 and came back home in1295. After coming home their was war. It was Venice vs Genoa. He was captured and put behind bars. When he was in jail he wrote a book with Rustichello. It is called The Travels of Marco Polo. On January 8,1328 in Venice,Italy he pass a way. Marco Polo finding change our world because if he didn't explore China then Europe wouldn't even know it existed. The results was great because he cam home safely. He got famous because he wrote everything down in a book.

  20. My explorer is Christopher Columbus. He came from Genoa, Italy. King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain sponsored Christopher Columbus's first voyage in 1492. Colombia, the South American country, Washington, D.C. and Columbia, S.C. Several states in the United States, including Ohio, Georgia, Mississippi and New York have cities named after Columbus.
    For his first voyage Columbus set sail on Aug. 3, 1492 and On Oct. 27 he sighted Cuba and on Dec. 5 reached Hispaniola. His second voyage he fitted out with a large fleet of 17 ships, with 1,500 colonists aboard, Columbus sailed from Cádiz in Oct., 1493. Columbus returned to Spain in 1496. It was 1502 before Columbus finally gathered together four ships for a third expedition. Columbus died in relative neglect, having had to petition King Ferdinand in an attempt to secure his promised titles and wealth.
    Christopher was determined to find a direct water route west from Europe to Asia, but he never did. Instead, he accidentally stumbled upon the Americas. He explored the Atlantic Ocean and the Americas. His voyage took from August 3, 1492 to October 12. Columbus crossed the Atlantic Ocean and discovered the Americas. He didn't succeed with his goal but instead found the Americas. He was born between August 26 and October 31, 1451, he died May 20, 1506. His actions are the reason why almost every Native American is gone and not in America. That's basically all he did.

  21. Sir Francis Drake was born sometime between 1540 and 1544 in Tavistock, England. Drake enjoyed the sea life, His father was a minister for the navy and Francis grew up near the sea. He went to work for a sea captain at a young age and took a job working on a ship. Francis is well-known for being the first Englishman to sail around the world and defeat the Spanish Armada.

    During his first expedition he had a bad experience with the Spanish because they betrayed him and almost killed him causing him to hate the Spanish. He made it his mission to navigate the globe so he could stop the Spanish from controlling the oceans, and claimed lands for the British Queen, Elizabeth I.

    In order to travel around the globe, Drake and his fleet of five ships left England on November 15, 1577. He captained the largest ship, the Golden Hind. The ships traveled across the Atlantic and down the coast of South America. After passing through the Strait of Magellan, they entered the Pacific Ocean and went north along the coast of Peru. He also traveled all the way up to the California coast and from there he traveled further west and around Africa. After three years of sailing, on September 26, 1580, the ship arrived back home in England. Drake's expedition was only the second in history to sail around the world. The queen Elizabeth I knighted him and he was now known as Sir Francis Drake.

    Francis Drake fought against the Spanish, and caused them a lot of ruin, the Spanish king considered him a pirate and offered a bounty for his head. Meanwhile the British considered him a hero, who gave the British power over the oceans, becoming the greatest navy in the world.
    Following the queen’s orders, Drake traveled to Panama where he contracted dysentery and on January 28, 1596, died of a fever. He was buried in a lead coffin at sea near Portobelo. Francis Drake is recognized for many discoveries, including the passage between South America and the Antarctic — known today as Drake Passage — and Drake's Bay in California.

  22. The explorer name is Marco Polo . He was born in Venice, Italy. He took a boat to get where he needed to land. He left at the age of seventeen. Marco Polo was one of the first people to travel to China from Italy. It took about three years for Marco Polo to travel to China. They went on a boat and it was a small boat. It was a good size. Marco Polo went to jail when he went back to Italy. That's when he made his book. He live in China for many years. He even learn their language. Marco Polo has been name for a few things. He has a game for him self . He wrote a book about his adventure. Marco Polo was born 1254. He died January 8, 1324.

  23. This is Eleni Valbuena from room 208 and this is my response: The name of the explorer I am researching is Amerigo Vespucci. He had many jobs such as a merchant, mapmaker, but was mostly known for being an explorer that set sail to see the New World and find an easier trading route to the Indies. He was born in Ognissanti, Florence, Italy on March 9, 1451. Amerigo Vespucci made about 4-6 voyages to the New World. His first voyage was sponsored by King Ferdinand of Spain on May 10, 1497. On his first voyage, he landed on the mainland of Guiana located on the northern Atlantic coast of South America. His second voyage was on May 16, 1499. On his second voyage, he explored the coast of Guiana and Brazil. On this trip, he discovered Cape St. Augustine and the mouth of the Amazon River. His third voyage was on May 14, 1501. This third voyage was considered his most successful trip. On this trip, he discovered Rio de Janeiro and Rio de la Plata in Brazil. His fourth voyage occurred on June 10, 1503 and discovered Bahia and the island of South Georgia. There are reports that he went on a fifth voyage in 1505 and a sixth voyage in 1507 to South America. There also may be a possibility that he discovered Venezuela before Christopher Columbus did, according to some researchers. Each of his voyages lasted 1-2 years. Amerigo Vespucci died on February 22, 1512 from malaria. He is buried in Florence, Italy.

    The main reason Amerigo Vespucci is famous is because he realized that North and South America were two separate continents from Asia. The explorers before him thought that North and South America were a part of Asia. Vespucci realized they were separate on his voyage in 1501 when he sailed near the tip of South America. He documented his findings and travels because he wanted to leave something important behind after he died. Another reason he is famous is because these two continents were named after him. But, he was not the one who named them. A German clergyman and mapmaker named Martin Waldseemuller. He believed that the new lands he discovered in Brazil should be named after him, so he labeled the two new continents on the maps, America.

    Amerigo Vespucci’s discoveries were very important. If it weren’t for him, we wouldn’t know Rio de Janeiro, Rio de la Plata, the Amazon River and other lands in South America. He was also important because without him, we would’ve thought that North and South America were a part of Asia. He also was an expert navigator and created a method for determining longitude that sailors would use to calculate the distance they traveled. It also helped him determine the size of the earth almost exactly (within 50 miles). It changed our world because now we know of lands that existed in the south and that they were not a part of Asia or the Indies.

  24. Crystal 209 Vasco da Gama was born in Sines, Portugal in 1460. The king and queen of Portugal sponsored for Vasco da Gama's voyage to India. On July 8 1497 he left Portugal to travel to India. He landed in India in 1498. Vasco da Gama sailed from Europe to India around Africa. He was the first to successfully do this. He had four ships. Two of them were lost. He returned to Portugal with 55 people. On his voyage around Africa he crossed the equator. The result was that he found a trade route from Europe to India. A city in India is named after him called Vasco da Gama,Goa. Their is a statue of Vasco da Gama in Sines, Portugal. To return to Portugal it took him 132 days. He died December 24 1524. He is known for being the first European to sail around Africa and land in India successfully.

  25. ZaharaR My report is on Jacques Cartier. He was born on December 31, 1491 in Saint Malo, Brittany,France and king Francis sent Jacques to the "New World" to find riches and a new trade route to Asia in 1534. Cartier sailed on April 20, 1534, with 2 ships and 61 men, and arrived 20 days later. He explored the west coast of the "New found land" also discovered Prince Edward Island and sailed through the Gulf of St.Lawrence,past Anticosti Island.

    The country the sponsored him was France because Jacques had 3 expeditions along the St. Lawrence river. After his first voyage he went back to France and the king was impressed of what had happened. So he sent him back the same year in May. This time with 3 ships and 110 men. Cartier captured 2 Indians and used them for guides. In September he sailed downriver to see what has happened when Montreal was welcomed by the Iroquois who controlled the area.Some of them heard that there were other rivers that led farther west, where gold, silver, copper, and spices could be found. But they couldn't continue their trip because of the harsh winter, but the Jacques and his men managed to deal with it. They waited until spring when the river had no ice on it.

    His last voyage was in May 15 1541 and Jacques departed on his third voyage with 5 ships he had abandoned the idea of finding a passage to the Orient, and had to establish a permanent settlement along the St. Lawrence river. When he explored the St. Lawrence river it allowed France to claim land that it would become the Saint Lawrence river. Unfortunately he died in Saint-Malo in 1557. Jacques was named after many things such as the Jacques Cartier bridge that crosses the St. Lawrence river to Montreal Island. There is also a river called the Jacques Cartier river. His findings made have the country no Canada

  26. Zachary
    Marco Polo was born in venice,italy. He the year he was born on was 1254. He died the year 1324. Marco Polos farther was a mechent. As Marco Polo grew up he started to folow in hi fathers foot steps.
    Maco Polo traveled through out the far east of china for most of his life. His storys were baisis for what Eourope already new about Ancient China. The silk road had refferd numbers of trade routes. These trade routes were between major cites. These trade post went all the way from Eastern Euorope to Northern China.
    Not many people traveled the entire route. Tradeing was mostly between cites. Marco Polos farther and uncle wanted to leave Vencie to go to China to bring back goods to Vencie. This little voyage for the three took 3 years jus to get to China. Moarco polo lived in China for many years he aslo learned the languige.

  27. Zerajah Rm:209
    Amerigo Vespucci was born in Florence, Italy on March 9th 1454. In his early 20s Amerigo was sent on a mission to Paris, and later had a banking business in Seville, Spain. In 1492 Amerigo helped to prepare Christopher Columbus' ships to sail to the New World. Amerigo set sail on his first expedition with Spanish ships. He reached South America in five weeks, and arrived back in Spain on October 1498. On May 14th 1501 Amerigo left on his third voyage to the Americas and it was on this voyage that he discovered Rio de Janeiro and Rio de la PLata.

    Some people beleive that Amerigo Vespucci set sail again this time with the Portuguese flag. No discoveries were made and he returned to Portugal in 1504. In 1538 another mapmaker named Mercator expanded the name America to include both a northern and southern portion of the continent. Amerigo Vespucci was the first person to determine that the New World. Amerigo became ill with malaria in Seville, Spain, in 1512. He died on February 22nd 1512 at the age of 58. A coin was minted in Amerigo Vespucci memory in 2012. Very little evidince exists that Amerigo Vespucci made the voyage in question in a letter. However he was the first to suggest the world was much larger than thought.

  28. Marco Polo was born in Venice, Italy in 1254. Marco Polo's father and uncle were merchants. No one sponsered Marco Polo's exploration, because it was self-funded. When Marco Polo was 17, he, his father, and his uncle set off to find a trade route to China. They sailed to the Middle East from Venice, then travelled through Asia to get to China. It was difficult getting to China on foot. Marco Polo even got an illness while traveling! Marco Polo saw many different types of people and different types of cities during his journey. His journey began in 1271 and ended in 1295. It took them four years to get to China and Marco Polo stayed in Kubli Khan's court for 20 years.
    Marco Polo's journey through Asia was named the Silk Road. Marco Polo, his father, and his uncle were able to find China by travelling this route. Marco Polo was fascinated with China and he met Kubli Khan. After coming back home, Venice was at war with Genoa and Marco Polo went to jail. In jail, Marco Polo wrote his book, The Travels of Marco Polo. Marco Polo made his book about his journey to China.
    Marco Polo was successful in finding a trade route to China. Marco Polo changed our world by giving us a trade route to China and also giving us a book about his journeys. Marco Polo inspired another explorer named Christopher Columbus and other famous explorers as well. Marco Polo died in 1324. The underwater game called Marco Polo was named after... well Marco Polo!

  29. Natalia 208
    Marco polo was on explore he went on voyage and he also explored man different places. Marco polo came from Venice Italy.The country that Marco polo sponsored his voyage is Genoa.The dates of his voyage is 1271-1295.Marco polo found gold. Marco polo voyage took 24 years.Marco polo found gold during his voyage.Marco polo voyage was commemorated because he wrote a journal and how much he traveled.Marco polo was not named after anything. Marco polo was Venice,Italy in 1254 Marco polo finding changed our world by going on many trips and were he traveled. of-northamerica

  30. This is Reyes. I have chose Christopher Columbus. He was born in 1451.He was born in Genoa,Italy. He tried to get King John the second to pay for his trip but was not interested. So,the king of Spain King Ferdinad and queen Isabella sponsored his voyage. He started his voyage on August 3rd 1492. His voyage lasted two months. His voyage was commemorated buy bringing back riches. These Riches were from his voyages. There was not anything named after him. He died on May 20th,1506. He thought he had discovered America but was wrong.That was the result of his voyage, it was also dangerous. HIs findings changed our world by his mistake.

  31. RALPH RM 209
    Marco polo was born in Venice, Italy in 1254. Venice was a wealthy trading city and Marco's father was a merchant.

    Marco polo was a merchant and explorer who traveld throught the far east and china for much of his life. He lived from 1254 to 1324.

    He traveled for 24 years to china to trade for goods like spices and silk. He took a route in the desert the desert was so large. He also went in a trade route called the silk road.

    Marco polo's exploration was really difficult because he had to travel a big distance from Italy to china.

    Marco polo was not named after anything.

  32. This is Eric, this is my response. The person that i researched was Christopher Columbus. Christopher Columbus was born in 1451 in Genoa, Italy. He was best known for the discovery of America.
    When he hot older, he became a trader with different countries. He started training for his voyage when he was a teenager. When he was trying to get the king and queen of Italy to pay for his trip, they refused and told him to go. Then, he went to spain to ask the king and queen to pay for their trip. They happily agreed to give them money. They paid for three ships and gave them to Columbus. Those ships were la Niña, la Pinta, and la Santa Maria.
    Columbus Spotted land and went to see it. He saw people there and called them Indians because he thought he was in Asia. He then sailed again and endid up in what is now America. After the exploration, he sailed back home and remembered his voyage. Christopher Columbus' findings changed our world because we wouldn't be living here if Columbus didnt discover America. He died May 20, 1506.

  33. Leslie 208
    The explorer I chose was Henry Hudson. Henry Hudson was born in the 1560s or 70s somewhere in England. He died in 1611 or 1612 Hudson Bay, North America. Hudson was an English Explorer. He was best known for mapping the Hudson River and the North Atlantic.

    The Muscovy Company and the British East India Company and private donors sponsored Henry Hudson. The dates of his voyages were 1607, 1608, and 1609.

    Hudson's discoveries laid the groundwork for Dutch colonization of the Hudson River region, as well as English land claims in Canada.

  34. The explorer I chose is Marco Polo. Marco Polo came from Venice, Italy. The countries would not sponsor his voyages. In 1271, Marco went on a journey through Asia from 1271 to 1295. In 1295 he arrived in Venice with a collection of jewels.
    Marco Polo continued his journeys traveling North and South. He took a trip across the Gobi Desert to Benijing. This journey took 3 to 4 years. He went to Afghanistan for some time. His voyage to China took three years. Nothing was named after him though. Marco Polo was born in Venice, Italy on September 15, 1254. He died on January 8, 1324.

  35. The explorer I chose is Christopher Columbus. Christopher Columbus was born on 1451 in Genoa, Italy. He died May 20, 1506. He was best known for discovering America. He thought he had discovered Asia.

    When Christopher Columbus got to America there were already Native Americans living there before him which I don't understand why he was credited for discovering America. He used Native Americans as slaves and called them Indians because he thought he was in India. I think Christopher Cholumbus was a savage person. Even a European, Leif Ericsson had been there before.

    Columbus spent years to try to convince someone to pay for his voyage. He first tried to get King John of Portugal to pay for the journey, but the King was not interested. Then, he convinced Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand of Spain to pay for the trip. He set sail with three ships named The Nina, the Pinta, and The Santa Maria. The journey was long and difficult.

  36. This is a bit late. Just received this at 3:16PM, it was due by noon.

  37. Ava 209

    Zheng He was known for his treasure ship voyages to India. He was an explorer and fleet commander. Zheng was born in 1371 in Yunnan Province, China. His first exploration was in 1405 to 1407.
    Zheng He's given name was Ma He. His father and grandfather were leaders of the Mongol Yuan Dynasty as Muslim leaders. Ma He was captured by Chinese soldiers and a slave to Prince Zhu Di. He served the prince well and gained his trust. Ma became his closest advisor, so the prince awarded hem by changing his name to Zheng He.
    In his first voyage there were over 200 ships and nearly 28,000 men. On his voyages he captured one famous pirate and brought him back to China. He brought back interesting items and animals such as giraffes and camels. On his six missions he made trade relations with 25 other countries. On his seventh and final mission he died.

  38. The explorer I chose was Vasco Núñez de Balboa .He was born in Jerez de los Caballeros, Spain.Vasco Núñez de Balboa was a Spanish explorer, governor, and conquistador. He is best known for having crossed the Isthmus of Panama to the Pacific Ocean in 1513.Becoming the first European to lead an expedition to have seen or reached the Pacific from the new world.

    He traveled to the New World in 1500 and, after some exploration, settled on the island of Hispaniola. He founded the settlement of Santa María la Antigua del Darién in present-day Panama in 1510, which was the first permanent European settlement on the mainland of the Americas a settlement by Alonso de Ojeda the previous year at San Sebastián de Urabá had already been abandoned.

    In 1500, motivated by his master after the news of Christopher Columbus' voyages to the New World became known, he decided to embark on his first voyage to the Americas, along with Juan de la Cosa, on Rodrigo de Bastidas' expedition. Bastidas had a license to bring back treasure for the king and queen, while keeping four-fifths for himself, under a policy known as the Quinto Real, or "royal fifth."[citation needed] In 1501, he crossed the Caribbean coasts from the east of Panama, along the Colombian coast, through the Gulf of Urabá toward Cabo de la Vela. The expedition continued to explore the north east of South America, until they realized they did not have enough men and sailed to Hispaniola.

  39. Veronica 208
    Vasco de Gama was born in Sines, Portugal in 1406. The king and queen of Portugal sponsored his route to India. In 1497, he set off for his legendary trip. He sailed all the way from Portugal all the way around Africa to India. He was the first person to do as such. He had four ships. Two got lost.He came back to Portugal with 55 people. He did cross the equator.He found the quickest route to India at the time. There is a city in India named after him. There is a statue of him in Portugal. He died on Christmas Eve 1524.

  40. Name was sir Francis drake.he came from tavistock United Kingdom country sponsored his voyage queen Elizabeth I comisiered the the expendition together with John winter Thomas dought they left Plymouth England on decmeber 13,1577 with six ships (including golden hind )the sailed in Brazil a thought the perilous Strait of Magellan date of voyage between august 20and september 6,1578 what he found was the Tierra de fuelgobthe land of Magellan strait was not part of a southern conitent how long the voyage took . and how the voyage was described as its results of a synopsis and circumnavigate of the golden hind to the bondius broadside map cirri 1596 in late in 1577 .
    How his voyage commentated drake was noted to his for one daring feat a Thor his greatest was the circumnavigate of the earth the first after magellens he sailed from the Plymouth.there was nothin g named after him but his named after him in Francis was reportedly named from his godfather Francis russel but was named for rolaty he was born on (c.1540-1596) around . he died around January 27 , 1596 protbeltycolon and probely district Italy .he changed the world by in 2ways by he raided the spainerd .2way was when the spainerds came he killed many of them that's what caused Spain's war.

  41. Daniela 208

    Juan Ponce de Leon was born in 1474 Santervas de Campos, Castile (Spain). As a kid Juan worked as a squire for a knight. When Juan got older the knight taught him how to fight. He even learned how to fight on a horse! At the time King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella wanted all of Spain to become Christian. Juan was part of the army that defeated the Moors in 1492.

    After the war was over Ponce de Leon was looking for his next adventure. He joined Christopher Columbus on his second voyage to the New World. He ended up being a military leader on the Island of Hispaniola.

    After the expedition, Juan returned to Spain to tell the king about his discovery. Then he returned to Florida in 1521 hoping to establish a colony. Later on local natives began to attack. Ponce de Leon was struck on the thigh with a poisoned arrow. He died a few days later after retreating to Havana, Cuba.

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  42. Taylor.S 208. I chose Marco Polo. Marco Polo wasa explorer. He was born on September15,1254 in Vience,Italy. He traveled to Asia from 1271-1295. When Marco finished his journey he headed back to Vience. Marco continued to travel to the North and South to explore. He also took a journey going across the desest to Benijing which took 3 to 4 years. Marco Polo died on January8,1324.


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