Sunday, November 20, 2016


GRADE 6 Blog



There are TWO parts to this week's blog, please answer both.

1. Using your notes from last week's Powerpoint and research from the two links above, you will write a minimum of two paragraphs comparing and contrasting the Paleolithic and Neolithic Era's. Be sure to include a minimum of eight facts from EACH era in your response. 

2. Write about the Ice Age, use three facts from the first link in your response


The DK link has several areas where you can click on and get detailed information. 

Note: You are not to cut and paste, nor are you copy directly from the links. Answer the questions in yourown words Here is the link to the power point should you need it.


  1. Janiya M
    The Stone Age was a time in the paleolithic & neolithic era. The tools that they use became new thought out every generation. But the tools were made from our ancestors thousands of years ago. The paleolithic stone age was the old stone age. The neolithic stone age was the new stone age. The lasted stone age was the first age two use stone in the lasted ice age. The middle stone age was the lasted from the end of the ice age until they started framing.

  2. There was a time in the world when early Americans used stone-made tools and weapons. This is called the Stone Age. There are three segments that divide the Stone Age. Two of the three segments are called the Paleolithic Age and the Neolithic Age. There are some ways that the Paleolithic Age and the Neolithic Age are alike and different.

    One way that the Paleolithic and Neolithic ages are alike is how they both have Latin and Greek words in the name. The term "lithic" means "stone" in Greek. Also, the term Paleo means "old" in Latin and the term Neo means "new" in Latin. Another way hey are alike is how each period was the start of a major use. The first use of stones began in the Paleolithic Age. Also, farming began in the Neolithic Age. One way that the Paleolithic and the Neolithic Age differ is how on the Paleolithic Age, more stone and rock was used to make tools. In the Neolithic Age, more materials and technology was developed. This is how the Paleolithic and Neolithic Ages are alike and different.

  3. Hector 207

    The Paleolithic and Neolithic era both have some similarities. neolithic and paleolithic era were both really social. The paleolithic and neolithic era both hunted so much. Both of the stone age eras used tools that helped them. The paleolithic had tribes such as Homo Habillis and Neandethal. Neolithic era had tribes such as the cro magnon. They both lived in a group and treated each. Both paleolithic and neolithic eras were gatherers.

  4. Hector 207

    the Neolithic era started the agriculture revolution they began with farming. The neolithic era made fire the wheel the sail. the neolithic ha better tool than the paleolithic. Neolithic era shared and did art, plays,music,and also religion. The paleolithic lived in smaller groups than the neolithic. The paleolithic ha tribes such as the Homo Habillis witch lasted 2 million years. Also the paleolithic era approximatly had 1/3 of the earth using small pieces of rack as tools

  5. The difference between the Paleolithic and Neolithic is the paleo means old and lithium means stone. That means it is the Old Stone Age. In the a old Stone Age the Paleolithic lived in small groups of 5-10 families. Also there were hunters and gatherers in the groups. Also they were social.

    The we have the Neolithic. Which means new stone, so this means it is the New Stone Age. They are different because the Neolithic was the agucalture revolution. Then they began farming. Also they had made fire and also the wheel. They also had better tools and weapons. We can see that in the Paleolithic they gathered everything and in the Neolithic they made a lot of stuff.

  6. Lily Room:206

    1. Paleolithic Age means “Old Stone Age” in Greek, while Neolithic Age means “New Stone Age” in Greek. The Paleolithic Age was from 50,000-10,000 years ago and the Neolithic Age happened between 9,000-4,000 BCE so there is a big difference in years between the two eras. The Old Stone Age were small groups of 5-10 families who had close relationships, they were Cro-Magnon people and they were nomadic to semi- nomadic. The New Stone Age were semi-nomadic people but then abandoned that life to begin farming or agriculture so at one point both ages were both nomadic. For the Neolithic people there was an agricultural revolution which was called the “Great Leap Forward”, they planted many crops. So there are many similar things like being nomads but other different things like having a huge gap between ages in the years.

    I guess the Paleolithic Age focused on building close social relationships, leaderships and the roles everybody played. The men were big hunters while the women and children were gatherers. The Neolithic Age focused on their increasing knowledge, agriculture, the competition for land, and how they traded by barter system. So they focused on different things for their social structure. Then their weapons and tools were a little similar but still different. The Old Stone Age had better hunting plans because of more effective weapons they used. They also had better tools for things like cooking food, making clothes, along with skinning animal skin off meat. While the Neolithic Age had useful tools to help make more tools. But they had domesticate animals and plant crops by hand. So they had different focuses and different but still very similar tools or weapons.

    2. There were many Ice Ages but the one that involved the early humans was about 21,000 years ago. The early humans in that ice age were called Neanderthals. They had gotten used to the cold ice weather that was the ice age and lived on tundra which is an empty and treeless place or grassland. Which helped them avoid being frozen in the ice glaciers. They stayed alive because of many things one is that they lived together in groups so they built shelters or homes together. Along with that they learned how to hunt animals even very large ones like mammoths that were bigger than an elephant.

  7. 1. Using your notes from last week's Powerpoint and research from the two links above, you will write a minimum of two paragraphs comparing and contrasting the Paleolithic and Neolithic Era's. Be sure to include a minimum of eight facts from EACH era in your response.

    Paleolithic Era is also known as The Old Stone age. “Paleo” means “old” and “neo” means new”. Paleolithic is also longest period in human history. Neolithic Era is also known as The New Old Stone age. Paleolithic has been around from 50,000 to 10,000. Neolithic has been around for 9000-4000 BCE (Before Common Euro).

    Palaeolithic and Neolithic Era had lots of similar ways. They both ate eggs, fruits, nuts, fish and plants. They both had wore animal skin, necklace, dyes, and flint scraper as clothes. Also they both had crosspiece, monumental stone, and stonehenge.The Old and The New Stone had a lot of similar ways.

    2. Write about the Ice Age, use three facts from the first link in your response

    Did you know The Old Stone (Paleolithic) ended on the end of the last Ice Age! It was so cold temperature drop all over the world usually for thousands of years. Surprisingly the Neanderthals lived during the Ice Age. they had to hunt mammoths to survive. They lived in tundra and grassland.

    By: Emily Jones

  8. Makda G:6 207
    Paleolithic and Neolithic Eras
    One thing the Paleolithic (the old stone age) and the Neolithic (the new stone age) eras have in common are that they both are eras. They both also have "lithos" in their name and "lithos" means stone. "Lithos" is also a Greek word. One way they are both different is that the in the Paleolithic Era people were hunters and gatherers, but in the Neolithic Era people begun farming. Another difference between them is that in the Paleothic Era people went from nomadic to semi-nomadic but in the Neolithic Era people abandoned semi-nomadic life. The word nomad means a member of a people or tribe that has no permanent abode but moves about from place to place, usually seasonally and often following a traditional route or circuit according to the state of the pasturage or food supply.
    Another way the Paleolithic and Neolithic Eras are alike is because they both lasted a long time. In the Neolithic Era there were better tools and weapons than in the Paleolithic Era. The Neolithic Era also got to have leisur activities such as art, music, sports, and religion. In the Neolithic Era people started to domesticate animals. The Neolithic Era also had the planting of crops called agriculture. Last but not least, in the Neolithic Era the wheel and sail were invented.

    Ice Age
    An Ice Age is when temperatures drop around the word usually for thousands of years. One of the four major groups of people called the Neanderthals which were here about 100,000 years ago lived through one of these Ice Ages. Some of the things they did to survive were: building shelters, living together in groups, and learning to hunt large animals like the mammoth. The early humans lived mostly on tundra and grasslands because they were avoiding the parts of the world that were covered by glaciers.

  9. Donald K.

    The Ice Age is a long period of low temperature around the world. There were seven Ice Ages including now. The Neanderthals lived during a Ice Age. It was hard for them but they lived after the Ice Age. The only way to survived for them was to stick together, build shelter, and learn how to hunt a large animal. The only way to catch and kill the large animal is to trap the large animal and stay in a group. They killed mammoths and more. That is the Ice Age from the Neanderthals.

  10. This is Ester
    Paleolithic Era
    1.)The Old Stone Age(Paleolithic Era)-from the beginning of human existence until around 12,000 years ago. Food ,shelter ,and clothing were three basic needs that were used to meet people. Flaking was one of the first uses of technology. Flaking involves using a hammer stone to form sharp edges on an object stone.

    Neolithic Era
    The New Stone Age(Neolithic Era)-used stones for tools. Neo is a root we use in the English language, it comes from the Greek word neos, which means new or recent. They lived around 12,000 years ago.

  11. This is Ester

    2. Write about the Ice Age, use three facts from the first link in your response

    Ice Age
    2.) During an Ice Age,temperatures dropped all over the world,often for thousands of years. There have been several Ice Age,which peaked about 21,000 years ago. Early humans adapted to life in the cold,but avoided the big and frozen glaciers. That covered parts of Earth. Instead living mainly on Tundra and Grasslands.

  12. The diffrence between the Paleolithic and Neolithic Eras us between the time they existed, where they originated, and the things they did.

    The Paleolithic Era lasted from the end of the Ice Age, until the beginning of the Mesolithic Era. The people of this time were called Neanderthals. The Paleolithic Era was the first part of the Stone Age.(3 Million Years Ago) The Neanderthals originated in Africa, and were nomads for food. They moved to Europe and Western Asia, tuning the advantage of low sea levels to use land bridges to travel. The Neanderthals lived in places like caves. They cared for the sick, and buried the dead.

    The Neolithic Era lasted from the end of the Mesolithic Era until the first use of metal. The Homo Sapiens were the people of this time. They lived in Africa. The reason they lived in solely Africa is becouse they figured out how to farm, and domesticate animals for food. So, they don't need to travel for food. The Homi Sapiens made pottery for storage of food, and traded food. They also made paintings.

    An Ice Age is a time when temperatures of many places drop all over a world. The Neanderthals learned to survive by living in groups, and hunting large animals of the time, like Willy Mammoths

  13. Andy Vo 207
    The Old and New Stone Age or the Paleolithic and Neolithic Eras were basically the starts of civilizations. The world paleolithic means old stone and neolithic means new stone in Greek. These two eras or ages were different from each other even though they sound the same. Their times periods were very different from each other and how they progressed was also different. The Old Stone Age was more than 3 million years ago in Africa when the people started using small stones as tools. The New Stone Age was between 10,000 and 5000BC some very life changing things had happened, this is one thing that is different between the two. Also, the Old Stone Age people were nomadic and then they became semi-nomadic. Then in the New Stone Age, the people began farming and left being nomadic this is another difference. Also in the Paleolithic Era, they had hunters and gatherers to find food. In the Neolithic Era, they hunted animals and grew plants for food. Finally, in the Paleolithic Era, the people didn't know how to use the fire. In the Neolithic Era, they learned how to use the fire and created new things. The similarities between the two eras were that they both had the use of stone being used and perfected. Another similarity is that they both drew cave paintings in both eras. Also, the Old and New Stone Ages both had to hunt even though in the Neolithic Era they farmed. Finally, the eras both used stone as weapons and tools to help them in their everyday lives. Also during the Ice Age, the temperatures drop not just in one area but everywhere around the world. About 21,000 years ago there have been multiple Ice Ages and even the earliest people have lived through it. The Neanderthals have lived through the Ice Age and survived by living together in big groups, shelters, and buildings. They had to hunt mammoths which were a large animal that lived them as a source of food to survive. So these are the differences and similarities of the Paleolithic and Neolithic Era and some facts about the Ice Age.

  14. 1. Using your notes from last week's Powerpoint and research from the two links above, you will write a minimum of two paragraphs comparing and contrasting the Paleolithic and Neolithic Era's. Be sure to include a minimum of eight facts from EACH era in your response.

    While the Paleolithic age was about surviving the harsh treatments of nature. One of the earliest tries started developing the first stone tools to survive and to live. The made spears, bow and arrows,etc to survive. The Neolithic was like that too but, a little more advanced. They were able to plant crops.

    The difference between Neolithic and Paleolithic were on two different terms when it comes to surviving. The Paleolithic the ocean to supply them with fish water and ect. They were only thinking about surviving. The Neolithic had developed farming.

    2. Write about the Ice Age, use three facts from the first link in your response

    Temperature drop all around the world in Ice Age that is very interesting. There has been 7 ice ages I thought it had to been 6. That was an interesting fact. Also there ones when people were on the Earth

    By: Emile

  15. Shalom

    1)The Paleolithic and Neolithic Era's can be contrasted and compared in many ways, but the Paleolithic Era paved the way for the Neolithic Era. Among the many ways both Neolithic and Paleolithic Era's are alike and different, one had hunter-gathers society(Paleolithic Era) and one had settled societies(Neolithic Era). In the Paleolithic Era humans lived in a nomadic lifestyle where there was a few people in a cave. They relied on hunting, fishing, and gathering wild fruits. The Neolithic Era humans discovered agriculture which gave them the opportunity to settle in one specific area. The humans had it lucky because they where able to settle in fertile areas which were good for growing various amounts of crops like rice. Paleolithic Era nobody had control over their property. In that Era anybody could just take your belongings such as land or tools.

    Question 1:second paragraph):The Neolithic Era they had developed control and ownership of their property such livestock and land. One similarity between Neolithic and Paleolithic Era was the clothing humans wore. The clothing they wore was animal skins. The tools in both Eras used were similar, but different at the same time. Both Neolithic Era and Paleolithic Era the humans used stone. Humans in the Neolithic Era tools were better because a lot more tools were invented. Humans in the Neolithic Era had a shorter life expectancy than humans in the Paleolithic Era. Paleolithic Era humans were much taller than humans in the Neolithic Era. Despite the similarities and differences of Paleolithic Era and Neolithic Era they both conclude to our everyday life because if it was not for the Old Stone Age there would not be a New Stone Age.

    2)In an ice age temperature drops all over the world often for thousands of years. There has been at least five documented major ice ages during the 4.6 billion years since the Earth was formed. Neanderthals lived during the ice age. They survived by staying really close together in groups. Early humans survived in the ice age for a long time. No modern human could survive to those kind of low temperatures. The ice age is the lowest temperature in the world. Places like Antarctica are as clod as the Ice Age.

  16. paleolithic age in greek means old and neolithic age in greek means neo and that means new.the paleolithic age was 50,000 years ago and the neolithic revolution occured 9,000-4,000 BCF. paleolithic is semi-nomadic. it also has small family groups,closer relationships,cro-magnon society.neolithic began farming,agricultral revolution,planted crops,domesticating of animals,better tools and weapons.both of them lasted to the end of the ice age.the population grew they also permenant town and cities,they had a trade by barter system.
    the ice age was when humans used tools and weapons made out of stone.the way it lasted was when the first stone tools that were made by there ancestors that was about 3.4 million years ago.that was until the introduction metal tools a few years ago.the stone age was divided into three periods.the stone age lasted a very long time.from the dawn men 3 million years ago.there was also farmers a few years ago.

  17. Shaen R 206
    The paliolithic era is quite different from the Neolithic era.

    The paliolithic era was about 2 million years ago, between 40,000 and 10,000 years ago.
    The word paliolithic means Old Stone Age. They used many different tools like spears. There life span estamated to be 25 years.

    The Neolithic era began c.8000 bc in west Asia and c.4000 bc in Europe. The word Neolithic means New Stone Age.During this period people first lived in settled villages, and domesticated animals. Their life span estamated to be around 20 or 33

    Ice age
    The ice age is when most of the earth was covered in ice. It began about 1.8 million years ago and lasted until about 11,700 years ago. Another word for ice age is The Pleistocene Epoch.

  18. A difference between the Paleolithic and the Neolithic Era's is that the Paleolithic age was 50,000-10,000 years ago. But the Neolithic Revolution occurred between 9000-4,000 years ago. The Paleolithic Age lasted from when the first use of stone until the Ice Age ended. The Neolithic age lasted from when farming started until the first use of metal. Paleolithic people were nomadic. But the Neolithic people began the first civilizations. The Neolithic people had more control of their food supplies. But the Paleolithic people had men hunt for food and women gather food.

    Some similarities that the Paleolithic and the Neolithic Era's have in common are that they both have similar names. They both have "lithic" at the end of their names. Lithic means stone in Greek. The Neolithic people wore animal skin and so did the Paleolithic people. They both used stone as sculpture material. They both used axes, but the Paleolithic people made theirs out of wood and the Neolithic people made theirs out of stone.

    When the Ice Age happened all the temperatures dropped. There's been more than one Ice Age which includes the one that early humans managed to live through. Which happened about 21,000 years ago. the Neanderthals survived by living together in groups. they learned to hunt mammoths. They avoided the frozen glaciers that covered parts of Earth. Instead they lived mainly on tundra and grassland.

  19. One fact on the Paleolithic's is that they all lived in small groups ranging from five to ten people. They also went from nomadic to semi-nomadic. And they shared relationships with the Cro-Magnon society. And their roles the men were leaders or also called patriarchal and were hunters. As the women and children made clothing and were gatherers.

    They started the emergence of leadership and the beginning of social classes.
    The paleolithic's were the first to develop fine art as drawings. But cave paintings or deer horses and other animals they planned to hunt are now extinct.

    Moving onto the Neolithic, the people abandoned semi nomadic life and began farming. They started the agricultural revolution was a progression of the "The Great Leap forward". The started domesticating animals so they wouldn't have to keep hunting every know and then. And upgraded to using better tools. They also increased their knowledge and had more control of their food supply.

    Also since it was the end of the Ice Age it was a good time for agriculture. And as the population grew so did the competition for land. And lastly the barter system which was used for trading obsidian for farm produce.

    The ice Age last from 1.6million years ago to 11,700years ago. The most recent Ice Age covered most of Earth in ice. Their have been 5 Ice Ages in the past 4.6 million years since the earth formed.

  20. Sana S.
    1. The Paleolithic and Neolithic ages are different in many ways. One way they are different is, the Paleolithic age was 50,000-10,000 years ago, while the Neolithic age was 9,000-4,000 BCE. Another difference between the two is, people in the Paleolithic age were nomadic, while the people in the Neolithic age began farming. They are also different because the Paleolithic age began when,"the prodeceedors of modern man first started to use stone tools", while the Neolithic era began when,"some interesting things began to happen".
    There are also some similarities between the two ages. One similarity is that they were both part of the Stone Age. Another one is that the people in both ages used tools. They are also similar because they were both before our common era. In conclusion, these are three ways that the Paleolithic Era and the Neolithic era are similar.

    2. The Ice Age is when temperatures dropped all over the world for thousands of years. There are more than one Ice ages, but there is a specific one that the Neanderthals, one of the early humans lived through. They did this by living in groups, building shelters, and hunting large animals in the age like the Wooly Mamoth. They stayed in tundras and grasslands.

  21. Juan 208

    Neolithic era or new stone age was the devolpment of human tecnology begining 10,200 years ago. This was the age when peoples first discovered fire and stared moving more north. Their was also the agricultural revolution. some one also thought of animal farm and pens so that they did not need to hunt.

    During the Paleolithic era or old stone age their was no civilization because their ws just small nomdic vilages. They only moved tword the south because their was no fire. They had to always follow their prey becuase their was no agriculter.

  22. One difference between the neolithic and the Paleolithic era is that one era which is the Neolithic era means new Stone Age in the other area which is the Paleolithic era means old Stone Age. Another difference between the two eras is that the Paleolithic era was around 2.5 million years ago and the Neolithic era was 9000 - 4000 B.C.E. Another difference between the two eras was that in the Paleolithic era The prehistoric people used different tools. some of the tools they used were made out of stone. But in the Neolithic era the prehistoric people living in that timeline used sharp blades spearheads and knives. Another difference is that in the Paleolithic era the people were nomadic which means they didn't have a permanent home and moved from place to place. And in the Neolithic era The prehistoric people managed to keep a stable shelter and food supply.

    One similarity between the Paleolithic and Neolithic era is that the two eras we're in the same historical timeline the stone age. The Neil lithic era actually meant new Stone Age. The Paleolithic era meant old stone age in Greek. Another similarity between the two eras is that they both had prehistoric humans that lived in that timeline such as the Homo habilis Homo erectus neanderthal and cro-magnon. Another similarity of Paleolithic and Neolithic era is that when both of the eras ended they left artifacts such as the tools all of the prehistoric people used. And finally another thing these two eras had in common is that in both eras Women still cared for children and gathered berries and captured small animals.

    In the Ice Age prehistoric humans called the Neanderthal, learned how to survive in the extremely cold weather. The Neanderthal survive in the cold weather by constructing warm and stable shelters in adapting to the theory of hunting large animals such as the woolly mammoth. On it states, " neanderthals lived during the Ice Age. They survived by living together in groups, building shelters, and learning to hunt the large animals that lived then, such as mammoths.

  23. Tyrese 207
    The Paleolithic age was different from the Neolithic age because the Paleolithic age started about 2.6 million years ago to about 10000 years ago. While the Neolithic age started 10000 BC and ended around 2000 BC. In the Paleolithic era they were nomads. They used stone tools and survived off of climate and the environment. The Neolithic era found out about agriculture and collecting animals in a pen. Which made it so that they could settle in one area.
    The Neolithic era was when they used polished stone tools. The Neolithic people wore woven clothes while the Paleolithic people wore animals skins. Also, the Neolithic people were shorter than the Paleolithic people and the Neolithic people had a shorter life expectancy. The Paleolithic people lived in tribe and different people had different jobs such as hunter and gather's. While the Neolithic's stayed in one place and had permanent settlements.

  24. The Paleolithic Era is considered part of the Old Stone Age. This period lasted about 12,000 to 7,000 years ago. In this Era, Cro-Magnon men (people) also lived. The people lived in small groups of 5 to 10 families. They were considered nomadic to semi-nomadic. This means they traveled when in need of food consistently, or only when needed. The people of the Paleolithic Age had close relationships between bands of people (Cro-Magnon Society). The Cro-Magnon people first appeared in Europe 30,000 years ago. They stood at about 200 cm (2m) tall.

    The Neolithic Era means New Stone Age. People began to farm, which was a huge revolution as progression to the Great Leap Forward. They also domesticated animals of all sort. The came up with better tools, and discovered metal.
    They also discovered fire, the wheel, and sails (used on boats).
    During the Ice Age, temperatures dropped all over the world. This is the way people adapted to cold to freezing temperatures. Neanderthals lived during the first Ice Age.

  25. Nadia 207

    The Paleolithic Era:
    A time when people used rock as tools. These people didn't have a stable food supply so, they became nomadic to semi-nomadic. To get their food they would have to go out to find animals, chase they and finally, kill them. This process took a long time and lots of hard work. Which means people have to move because they had no food supply. They made and drew cave paintings in caves. They have symbols and usually drawings of the people hunting the animals. This was the very first recording of history. Paleo=old lithic= stone
    The Neolithic Era:
    People started to use culture, music and invent stuff. Such as the lamp. They got a stable supply of food and sometimes more than they needed. They would trade and store the surplus of their food. They advanced their tools and this became the start of the bronze age. They started to farm(agriculture).
    The Ice Age:
    The whole world was covered in ice all year round. Humans roamed the earth in the ice age such as the cro-magons. The wooly mammoth also lived during the ice age. It lasted for hundreds of million years. The people stayed away from big and huge glaciers at the time.

  26. In the Palaeolithic era the cave people were humters and gatherers. They found food, caught fish and hunted. They also gathered tasty plants, took eggs from nests and collected honet from beehives. The people were nomadic and they lived in the caves.

    The Palaeolithic and Neolithic eras both had nomadic life and civilization. The difference that the Palaeolithic era has between the Neolithic era are small groups of people, leadership and patriarchial society. For the Neolithic, its differences are farming, better tools and weapons, inventions of the stone wheel and sail as well as trading using the barter system.

    The Ice Age happened over 21,000 years ago. The Neanderthals had to adapt to the cold climate. The Wooly Mammoths lived there too. The Neanderthals built shelters and lived together. They tried to stay off the glaciers and stay on the tundra and grasslands. The Neanderthals also ate mammoths. Today Antarctica is one of the coldest parts of the world, and it is like the Ice Age.
    --Arin Garcia

  27. World War II was a big event in history. it was full of horror and hate. What were the causes of these horrible events in history? The causes of Word War II all started because the leader, or headman, of Germany, most of us know as Hitler, or Adolf Hitler wanted to enlarge German land. Another cause of the World War II is when Hitler invaded Poland. In source 1, it states, "He was responsible for the Holocaust as well as starting World War II by invading Poland in 1939." One final cause of World War II was when the army troopers entered Poland and France, and the Britain, one of Poland's allies, declared war on Germany. So, that's basically, how World War II started. The location of the first established concentration camp for prisoners in Dachau, was located in the same area of a vacant equipment factory, in the northeastern part of Munich, which was located in southern Germany. In source 2, it states, "It was located on the grounds of an abandoned munitions factory near the north eastern part of the town of Dachau, about 10 miles northwest of Munich in southern Germany."

    The "Night of Broken Glass" occurred on the night of November 9th,1938. What had happened was that angry Germans were having "revenge" on Jewish people because of a Jewish teenager. So, the Germans burn more than 250 synagogues, (a place where people of Jewish faith practice their religion) just about 7,000 businesses run by Jews were trashed and robbed, and many Jewish were murdered. "On the night of November 9th,1938 violence against Jews broke out across the Reich. In two days, over 250 synagogues were burned, over 7,000 Jewish businesses were trashed and looted, dozens of Jewish people were killed." It is very important to perverse history. Why? well because it tells us what happened in the past. We've been saving, or keeping history for years that's why we know so much about the past.

    Pretty recently, a woman found a historic blue and grey striped jacket that prisoners wore in concentration camps in the Holocaust. The teenager that wore the jacket, Benzion Peresecki, after he actually survived the camp, immigrated to the United States, Americanized his name Ben Peres, and still kept the jacket for the past 33 years. Then, he went to college, and eventually got a family. "A year later, we now know the story of Benzion Peresetski, a young Jewish man from Lithuania who wore this jacket for ten months in Dachau and kept it for 33 years." As well all know, there were terrible, hateful acts that occurred during the Holocaust, and World War II. What we learned was that we have better authority such as police, etc. and we don't have really any dictator ruling anywhere.


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