Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Grade 6
World War II
The Holocaust
Date Assigned 11/29/2016
Date Due 12/6/2016
*Cut off Time 5:30 PM*

After  reading the current event article:
"Striped Jacket Found at Tag Sale Unearths Story of Sadness and Survival" you will further research World War II using the links above. 
You are to write about:
The cause(s) of World War II
Where is Dachau concentration camp located?
What is The Night of Broken Glass?
Why is important to preserve history?
What happened to Benzion Peresecki? (the teenager who wore the jacket)
What can we learn from the horrible events from World War II?
WRITE A MINIMUM OF 3 PARAGRAPHS-RESPOND TO ALL QUESTIONS USING the article and ALL THE LINKS. Take notes on your findings as we will discuss this in class.


  1. The causes of World War II include: the fact that Hitler wanted Germany to be the most powerful country on Earth, which inspired him to threaten Poland, but Britain and France promised to defend it. Then in September 1939, the German armies invaded Poland and France, causing Britain to declared war on Germany. Once that happened, Britain’s commonwealth, (including Australia, New Zealand and Canada) joined the war. But while that was going on America and the Soviet Union remained neutral.

    The Dachau concecnation camp is located in the northwestern part of Munich in southern Germany. It was established in March, 1933. During its first year, it held about 4,800 prisoners, which included Jehovah’s Witnesses, Gypsies, homosexuals, and repeat criminal offenders, and as most popularly known, people of Jewish faith.

    The Night of Broken Glass, originally called Kristalnacht,( November 9, 1938) was a night when a lot of violence occurred against Jewish citizens of Reich. It is believed to have been caused by the death of a German official that was the fault of a Jewish teen. So, German officials killed Jewish people, (in a sense, avenging that official). Over 250 synagogues were burned, ( where the Jewish religion is practiced) over 7,000 Jewish businesses were robbed and battered, and Jewish schools, hospitals, cemeteries, and homes were trashed and looted.

    It is important to preserve history because, with all the events that happened in the past, (both good and bad), we, as humans, learn from those experiences, and find ways to innovate and learn from our mistakes. Also, it is fascinating to learn how people, just like us lived and existed without the resources and experience we have the capability to use.

    Benzion Peresecki was a boy who survived the horrible event of the Holocaust. He was a prisoner of the Dachau camp. His family, which consisted of his mother , (who moved with him after the holocaust to America), his father, (who died from a stomach ulcer), his brother ,( who was murdered by the Nazis). After moving to the United States, Benzion changed his name to Ben Peres. He had a family, but rarely spoke about his experiences of the Holocaust. He died in 1978.

    We as the youth of the world can learn many things. We can learn things like what happens when you threaten people who have connections with others, and that the best way to resolve problems is to stick together.

  2. Nicholas

    Around 1930 Germany was ruled by a man named Adolf Hitler who had a group of soldiers called Nazis. Hitler wanted to make Germany the strongest country in Europe at any costs. He built up Germany's millatary forces and expanded its borders. Britain and France did not want to go to war but after the Nazis threatenew Poland, Britain and France had to defend Poland even if it meant war.

    One of the worst of concentration camps was called Dachau. It was located in Frankfurt.There was a horrible event that took place in Munrich. It was called the night of broken glass. On this day in 1938 Nazis organized a destruction of all Jewish homes and businesses. As well as the death of all Jews in Munrich.

    We know all this because of preservation of history which is very important. Even though there are many difficulties in history like World War Two we need to know about this. If we don't preserve events like this in some sort of writing they might happen again. Sure they might even though we now about this but we might be able to stop it easier.

    The reason the topic of World War Two has come back up is because a vintage clothing dealer found a concentration camp jacket at a tag sale. It was owned by a young man named Benzion or Ben in America. He was just a young man during World War Two but he was spared no mercy. His father died because of a stomach ulcer and his brother was slaughtered by Nazis. He spent many years at Dachau and then five years in a misplaced persons camp with his mother. He immigrated to the U.S. and changed his name to Ben Peres. He lived in different places but always kept his jacket with him.

    We leare a lot from these tragedies. One is that we learned about human equality I am not saying we have learned every thing but we have learned a little bit. Hopefully we will learn more in the future. We also learned to watch moreally closely for propaganda in wars.

  3. What caused WWII was when HItler invaded the the west of Poland and soon France declared war. And Dachau concentration camp is located in Dechau Germany. The Night Of The Broken Glass was a massive attack on the Jews on the night of November 9th 1938 and is know call "The Night Of The Broken Glass.It is important to preserve history because if you do not preserve it you wouldn't be able tell someone if they ask you a question about the past.

    Benzion Peresecki was a 13 year old teenager who wore the jacket in the Holocaust. He has many relative pass away during the war but he had never talked about it. No one really knows what happened to him after and during the war.

    We can learn that everyone has a different feeling about different religions. Hitler hated the Jews but then also started a war against France. There is so much to learn about World War II. This relates to "Why do we preserve history?" This is one example out of the thousands of things that happen each year.

  4. Teah,
    The cause of World War II was that a dictator by the name of Adolf Hitler wanted to gain as much territory as he could. this began in September 1939 through 1945. That's when Germany was ruled by Adolf Hitler and also where so many innocent humans were put to death. His army invaded Poland and gained control. Since Britain and France were friends with Poland, the leaders declared war on Germany. Then Japan invaded China and this started World War II in the Pacific.

    Dachau is a concentration camp formed by the National Socialist and operated by a man name Heinrich Himmler. This prison housed political prisoners. It's location was approximately 10 miles NW of Munich which is in Southern Germany.
    The Night of Broken Glass is when the German civilians which were the towns people, gathered on the streets and watched the Jewish people march through the town to their death, This happened in a town called Baden-Baden. The night was called Kristallnacht (Night of Broken Glass)
    It's important to remember the Holocaust because the Jewish people suffered, innocent children were killed, policemen beat up and killed anyone who did not support the Nazi regime.

    We all can learn how Hitler tried to destroy the existence of certain races of people. These were violent crimes against people in order to be rid of the existence of Jewish people.

    Adolf Hitler was very mean and thought he could make Germany the most powerful country in Europe.

  5. Shaen R 206 In the 1930s Germany came under the rule of Adolfo Hitler and the Nazi party. Hitler want to make Germany the most powerful country in Europe. It began when Poland France and Britain declared war on Germany. The Dachau concentration camps where located in Germany. They made a museums out of there remains. On the night of November 9, 1938, violence against Jews broke out across the bay. I think its important to preserve history because we should know what happened to are ancetors. what we can learn about in the horrible event of world war 2 are we need to learn that everyones equal. we cant judge any one .

  6. Tyrese 207
    It it safe to say that World War II was one of the most brutal wars in history, but what caused World War II to happen in the first place. World War II happened because of racism, Hitler, and Nazi's. The Holocaust happened during World War II. World War II started in 1939 and 1945.
    The Holocaust was when Adolf Hitler's Nazi army managed to kill about six million Jews. Out of the 6,000,000 people killed 1 million children were killed, 2 million women killed, and 3 million men were killed. Most of the Jews were killed in camps. Dachau was one of the first concentration camps that was established in March 1933. It was located near the northeastern part of town in Dachau, about 10 miles from Munich in southern Germany. During the first year the camp held about 4,800 prisoners. At the camps in the first year were German Communists, Social Democrats, trade unionists, and other people were at the camp. Over time other groups starting coming to the camp, that includes, Jehovah's Witnesses, homosexuals, Roma, and criminal offenders. In 1938, in November 10-11 10,000 Jewish men were placed there. Prisoners were used as subjects of medical experiments and were forced laborers.
    November 9, 1938, violence broke out against the Jews. In two days 250 synagogues were burned and 7,000 Jewish businesses were trashed and looted, dozens of Jewish people were killed, and Jewish cemeteries, hospitals, schools, and homes were looted. It was named the "Night of Broken Glass" because of the broken glass that sat on the ground after the Germans's shattered the glasses of store windows.
    It is important to preserve history because if we had no history we would know about nothing that happened before us and we wouldn't know what led up to what we are now. For example, if you keep a journal than you most likely should put dates on it so you remember that day so one day you tell your kids or grandchildren about what happened to you when you were their age and the day that it happened if you kept the dates.
    Benzion Peresecki was a teenager forced to do labor for Germans in Dachau. He wore the Holocaust jacket that was sold for $2 at a tag sale. His daughter, Lorrie Zullo, who was found long after he died. She said that Benzion Peresecki and her grandmother were in the Holocaust. She also said when she was 13 Benzion Peresecki died of stroke. Benzion Peresecki son Michael Peres, who was 15 when Benzion Peresecki died, he said "that he just wanted to protected us as kids."
    We can lean from the horrible events of World War II that we should stop a problem before it goes to far, we learned that if we group together we can defeat any country, we learned more ways to attack in war, and we learned to accept everyone for who they are and where they come from.

  7. Hector Juarez
    room 207 Mrs.May World war 11

    Adolf Hitler wanted to make Germany a place with certain people. This all lead to the holocaust, eventually the axis were defeated by the allies. Adolf Hitler was going to make states after he invaded the country known as Germany. Adolf hi World war 2 had Japan, Germany, United states, and The united kingdom. Many prisoners from camps would try escape to get there freedom. The Dachau concentration camp was established on march 1933. Dachau is located in northern part of town of Dachau in Germany.

    The Night of broken glass is a day November 3,1938. That day lot of sadness was going on, dozens of Jews were killed, violence against Jews broke out across Reich. This anger was broke out after the assassination of the German official in Paris at the hands of Jewish teenagers. Many Nazis burned, trashed, looted, many synagogues, and businesses. hospitals, schools, and homes were looted while police guards and fire brigades stood by. It is very important to preserve history because you should tell the truth about what happen in past or current events. You should teach history because its important to know ho people or your past family mates had to deal with.

    Benzion Peresecki was a young Jewish man who wore a stripped Jacket. He was a prisoner he wore this striped jacket for ten months. Benzion Peresecki kept his jacket for thirty three years. His father died and his brother died by the nazis and he died years later. he became a imagrant after he moved to New York. We could all learn that ww2 was not just war, it was horible something you and i could not imagin. This is why we respect for those who died. Not just soldiers but people who just died for no reason.

  8. Andy 207
    World War II and the Holocaust were linked together because of one man Adolf Hitler. World War II was caused by Hitler because wanted to make Germany the strongest country in Europe. He then expanded Germany's borders and built up his air force and army. He then took over parts of Czechoslovakia and the entire country of Austria. Then France and Britain two peaceful democracies that didn't want to start a war with Germany even though they never did anything to Germany. First, they tried to agree to Hitler's demands to avoid a war this was a tactic called "appeasement." Finally, Britain and France stood up to the Nazis and at the times Hitler threatened Poland. Then the two countries decided to defend Poland from Hitler and his army if Poland was attacked. In September 1939, Adolf Hitler's armies invaded Poland and Britain and France declared war. Then Britain's Commonwealth including Australia, Canada, and New Zealand joined the war. The Soviet Union and the United States had remained neutral at the time and World War II just started.

    Then during the war Germany had created concentration camps which basically acted like a prison for those the Nazis had targeted like the Jewish. Dachau was a concentration camp that was established in March 1933. Dachau is located on the grounds of an abandoned ammunition factory near the northeastern part of town, Dachau. At first, Dachau was a camp for political prisoners and the camp held approximately 4,800 prisoners. During then the Nazis targeted Social Democrats, German Communists, trade unionists, and other political opponents of the Nazi regime.

    The Night of Broken Glass was on the night of November 9, 1938, when violence unleashed against Jewish people across Reich. This was appeared to be unplanned, set off by Germans' rage due to the assassination of a German official in Paris by a Jewish teen. As a matter of fact, a German propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels and some other Nazis organized the pogroms. In two days chaos came upon the Jewish hospitals, homes, and schools were looted, and over 250 synagogues were burned. Dozens of Jewish people were killed and over 7,000 Jewish businesses were trashed and looted. The pogroms are now known as Kristallnacht, the "Night of Broken Glass," due to all of the shattered glass from the trashed businesses and stores.

    It is important to preserve history because it studies about our past and how we developed as human beings. History helps us learn about our family and our past through studying and hard work. Also, history is filled with the innovations we've created over the past years.

    Benzion Peresecki is now deceased he had died in Bellmore, New York in 1978. Benzion's father had died in the concentration camp due to a stomach ulcer and his brother was murdered by the Nazi soldiers within a 10-year span. Ben was separated from his family and had survived in the concentration camp Dachau until he was relocated to a relocation camp. He then was reunited with his mother and then immigrated to New York which at the times was a city of immigration. Then on July 4, 2015, Ben's jacket had been found his closet which had been in there for 65 years which was discovered at an estate sale at his home.

    We can learn from the horrible events from World War II is how people had to live if they were in concentration camps. Also about how the war was started and how certain groups of people had to suffer because of the Nazis and Adolf Hitler. We can also learn how the children got separated from their families and were forced into labor. So these horrible events link to history for people to learn about how hard it was during World War II.

  9. Hitler wanted Germany the most powerful country in Europe. Hitler threatened Poland, Britain and France promised to defend them and Britain declared war. After Australia, New Zealand, and Canada fought in the war too. United States and the Soviet Union remained neutral at first, then later World War 2 started, therefore the United States and the Soviet Union fought. Propaganda started when World War 2 started and influenced people even the French Resistance were part of it too so they can try to resist the invasion.

    The Night of Broken Glass took place on November 9 and 10, 1938. It happen in throughout Germany. Kristallnacht is the real name of "The Night of Broken Glass" which means to the shards of scattered glass. The Dachau concentration camp was built in March 1933. It was made in a abandon munition factory near the northeastern part of the town Dachau.

    Benzion Peresetski was a young Jewish man who kept his striped jacket from the Dachau concentration camp. He kept the jacket for 33 years and still is here today at a museum. The importance of history is to know what happen in the past. Stories about people from the past who made history. History keeps going forever and know about our ancestors.

  10. Gabriel 207

    6 million Jews were wiped out to be exact 1 million kids, 2 million women, and 3 million men were killed. Two-thirds of the Jews were left. So a little of the Jews were left. During World War II, the Nazi Germany made several extermination camps in Europe in order to slay millions of Jewish in an organized fashion. Healthy adults were made to work hard at a camp. those who could not work were immediately killed by gun shots or gasses. Children were evolved in these wars.

    The camps were located on the ground of an abandoned munitions factory near the northeastern part of the town of Dachau, about 10 miles northwest Munichin in Sothern Germany. the night of the broken glass was the organized destruction of Jewish businesses and homes in Munich, as well as the beating and murder of Jewish men, women, and children in 1938. It is also called "Kristallnacht" because of the cost of broken glass in looted Jewish shops. The extent of the destruction was actually greater than reported. 7,500 Jewish shops were looted or robbed. Several incidents of rape as well. As far as Hitler was concerned, this only proved the extent of the "Jewish world conspiracy."

    It is important to preserve history because it teaches us many different thing that we do not know now. Benzoin Persecki was that he spent years in a displaced persons camp with his mother, Chiena. She survived a death march at the Stutthof concentration camp. After the war they burned there Jackets that they were wearing. Somehow he kept it for almost 65 years and 37 years after his death. What we could learn from the events from world war II is to never blame somebody else for your doings. Also to be kind to one another.

  11. The causes of world war 2 is that Britain and France were declaring war on Germany after invaded Poland in September 1939. On September 17 soviet troops invaded Poland from the east. The Dachau concentration camp is located in Germany in the northeastern part town.

    In 1938 there were people who organized destruction of Jewish businesses and their homes. That was in Munich. As well as the beating of men, women, and children. The reason it is important to preserve history because something vital has been lost in the past and that something must be found today. Another reason is because all the libraries serve to preserve our heritage.

    The jacket was in a tag sale. A women found it and bought it for only two dollars.Then she gave to the Kupferberg holocaust center in new york city. The things that we can learn in about the horrible events that happened in world war 2 is that on June 3rd 1942 Japanese invaded and occupied Attu and Kiska. Those islands had very bad conditions and a very low value.

  12. Juan 207

    The causes for World war 2 were plentiful. Many different countries joined for different reasons. For example the USA was staying away from the war until the boming of the naval base Pearl Harbor. Great Briatan joined because before Poland was invaded Briatan pledeged milatary support to Poland so when it was invaed Britan responded quickly. China joined because it had conflict with Japan before 1937.

    Dachu concentration camp was established in 1933. It was located 10 miles northwest from German city Munich. It was in southern Germany. The night of the broken glass was a huge coordinated attack on the jewish peolples. It was caused by Herschel Grynszpan after he killed a member of the German embassy. The night of the broken glass was a attack pulled on November 9,1938.

    It is important to preserve World War 2 in history so that we can reflect and think about all of the horrible events that happened in World War 2. I will be talking about all of them in my last question. Benzion Peresecki was a Jewish prisoner in one of the conentration camps in Germany during World War 2. After he ascaped he came to America and had children. He never told his children about his horrible experinces in Germany.

    Some of the things we can learn from the horrible events of World War 2 is to reflect on the fact that millons of people died and millions more would have if the allies never came together against Germany, Italy, and Japan.

  13. 1. Benzion Peresecki ( the man who wore the jacket ) was a Jewish man who wore a striped jacket from Dachau concentration camp and kept it. He is still here today. he kept his jacket for 33 years...The night of the broken glass took place November 9-10 1938. It happened all throughout Germany. Kristallnacht is the real name of " the night of the broken glass " which means " to the shards of the broken glass "
    2.It is important to preserve history because you want to know what happened in the past. And if we preserve history today then in the future people will know what we did today... The Dachau concentration camp was built in March 1933. It was made in an abandoned ammunition factory near the northeast part of the town, Dachau.
    3. Adolf Hitler wanted Germany to be the most strongest country in Europe. Hitler threatened Poland. Britain and France wanted to protect them. Britain declared war. After Australia New Zealand and Canada fought in the war. The U.S.A and the Soviet Union didn't fight until a lot later when WWII started...

    ( Ms May, couldn't get enough time to do the last question ( what can we learn from the horrible events from WWII? ) in lighthouse.

  14. Keishla 206

    The causes of World War II are people dying, and people losing there family. Dachau is located in Germany. Night of the Broken Glass is on November 9th 1938. night of the broken glass is when in 2 days 250 buildings where destroyed and 7000 businesses were trashed. After that morning 30,000 german jewish men were arrested for being jewish and sent to concentration camp. Many businesses could not open because they where run by jews. It is important to preserve history because history is good for your knowledge, and because there is somethings vital has been lost in the past and must be found today. Benzion Peresacki was taken by the Nazi and was forced to make German munitions. We can learn from World War II that this world has people who are willing to hurt or kill anyone that is not there religion or race. And would make their soldiers hurt people and there families also willing to take families out of their homes.

  15. The causes of World War 2 is that Adolf Hitler wanted Germany to be the most powerful country in Europe. He then expanded the border of Germany, taking over Austria and Czechoslovakia. The British and France did not want war, so they did what Hitler wanted. Soon they knew they would have to stand up to the Nazis. Then when Hitler threated Poland Brittan and the French said they would protect Poland if they were invaded. When Poland and the French we invaded Britten declared war.
    The Dachau concentration camp is located10 miles northwest of Munich in southern Germany. It was on the grounds of an abandoned munitions factory. It was established in March 1933. The in the first year there was 4,800 prisoners. There was other groups of religion over time. The names are Jehovah's Witnesses, Roma (Gypsies), homosexuals, as well as "asocial" and repeat criminal offenders.
    On November 9, 1938 violence against Jews broke out in Reich. A German priest named Joseph Goebbels and other Nazis. Two days later more than 250 synagogues were burned, 7,000 Jewish businesses had been trashed and looted, many Jewish people were killed, and Jewish cemeteries, hospitals, schools, and homes were looted.
    It is important to preserve history because it could teach other people what has happen in are time. We can have an example of this because when we look at are source we see that it talks about the fist camp. It says who was in the camp and there religion. Also it talks about where this cap was located. Then we have the example of the jacket. It talks about how this man when through a hard time to get to the United States of America. This is how we see this is important to preserver history.
    Benzion Peresecki was the name of the man who wore the jacket. He had kept it for 33 years. When he was young his father had died from stomach ulcer and his brother was murdered by the Nazis. He had moved to America and changed his identy. When every he move he kept the jacket with him.
    We can learn that World War 2 was a bad war. First off the Germans invaded many countries. Then it talks about all the camps they had and was use for civils to work and foe medical experiment on people. Also that many died including about 6 million Jewish people that were killed. Then it talks about how some countries did not want war, so they did what the Nazi wanted. That is just some of the many things I can learn from the horrible events from World War 2.

  16. Xazia 206
    World war 2 began when because the leader of Germany , Aldolf Hitler, he wanted to make Germany the most powerful country in Europe. The Dachu camp was located in an abandoned muitiuons factory near the northerneastern part of the town of Dachu, about 10 miles northwest of Munich in southern Germany.

    The night of The Broken Glass represents the first national widespread. Also for the shattered windows of Jewish-owned stores littered the streets millions of people. Its important to preserve history because this educational module aims to help students think more deeply about how it means to be a Jewish.
    Benzion Peresecki was a young Jewish man that had this coat for 10 months. What we can learn from World War 2 is to see how we embraced the Tsunami, that everyone can open their hearts to what nature does does to us.

    1. 69% What does the Tsunami and an educational model have to do with the blog question?

  17. Emily A.

    The cause(s) of World War II began with Adolf Hitler. He wanted to expand the German territory. Also he wanted to make Germany the powerful country in Europe. He planed to take over Austria and part of Czechoslovakia. Britain and France didn't want any war. They tried to make peace with Hitler. Them Hitler threatened Poland so Britain and France promised to help Poland if it was attacked. Then in September 1939 Germany attacked Poland. France and Britain the declared war on Germany. then Britain's Commonwealth joined the war and World War II had begun.

    The Dachau concentration camp is located on the grounds of the abandoned ammunition factory near he northeastern part of Dachau. The camp was established in March 1933.

    The Night of Broken Glass is when the Nazis or Germans burned down everything that was Jewish. They burned businesses, hospitals, schools, homes, and other things that were Jewish. This happened on November 9, 1938. They called this the Night of Broken Glass because of all the shattered glass that was on the ground.

    It is important to preserve history because we might want to know what people did in the past or what they ate. Some people might want to know about important events that happened in the past. For example you might want to know more about World War II.

  18. World War II was a very crucial war marked down in history. World War II began September 1, 1939 and ended September 2, 1945. This is how it started. Adolf Hitler was the dictator and leader of the Nazis of Germany in the 1930’s. He fought in WWI, so he understood how it felt to be on the battlefield. Because Germany lost in WWI, Hitler wanted Germany to be the most powerful country in Europe. Hitler later expanded the German Army and Air Force, and expanded Germany’s borders. The expanding of the borders took up the land area of Austria and Czechoslovakia. Britain and France were very neutral countries, and did not want to go to war with Germany. They obeyed Hitler’s demands to avoid going to war. Hitler threatened Poland, and Britain and France decided to stand up to the Nazis. The two countries vowed to defend Poland if they were attacked. On September 1, 1939, German soldiers invaded both Poland and France, Britain then declared war on Germany. The Axis were: Germany, Japan, and Italy. The Allies were: Britain, The United States of America, and the Soviet Union. Britain’s Commonwealth Australia, New Zealand, and Canada also joined the war. The United States of America and the Soviet Union remained neutral until Britain really needed them.
    The Dachau Concentration Camp was created in March 1933. It was the first plain concentration camp established by the Nazis. Heinrich Himmler described this torture camp as the first concentration camp for political prisoners. This camp was located located on the grounds of a factory, in the northeastern part of the city of Dachau. In the first year, 4,800 people were imprisoned. The types of prisoners included democrats, trade directors, Jehovah Witnesses, Roma (travelers), and homosexuals. Jews were later added to the camp. Jews were taken into the camp because they violated the Nuremberg Laws of 1935.
    The NIght of the Broken Glass took place on November 9, 1938. This was an event caused by the Nazis, because of an assassination of a German official. In the time period of two days, 250 synagogues were burned, 7,000 Jewish businesses were trashed, and dozens were killed. Many Jewish businesses such as hospitals, cemeteries, and businesses were robbed by the Nazis. In, conclusion, 30,000 German soldiers were arrested for the crime. They also were arrested for sending Jews to concentration camps. Jews were also arrested in this act. Curfews were also placed on the Jewish people as a consequence for this act.
    It is important to preserve history because there might be very important facts about things that people need to know for the future. These artifacts help symbolize the importance of people, objects and events. Some of the history in America is recorded. This helps historians keep track of the information that they need to post to the outer world. These artifacts also need to help our future historians look up more information that nobody has never seen or heard of before. This is why it is important to preserve history.
    The jacket that was found by a lady in Rhode Island. It was a jacket Jewish prisoners wore during the Holocaust. Benzion Peresecki was a teenage Jew when he was captured by the Nazi soldiers. After his time in concentration camps he escaped to the United States of America. He lived in New York, with his mother and wife. He got the honor of a degree at Cooper Union in Manhattan. After his job, he worked as a mechanical engineer. Ben he had a loving family but unfortunately died.
    From the horrible events of WWII, we can learn that because of people’s religion, there is a lot of hate going around. This world is still very unfair, and people still need to learn that being different is part of life. Nobody is going to be the same. Not even twins! So, this is what I learned from the Events of WWII.

  19. One of the causes of World War ll is when in Germany Adolf Hitler wanted to expand German territory. He did this because he wanted Germany to be the most powerful country in Europe. Britain also declared war on Germany when German armies invaded Poland and France. Before this however Germany invaded Poland which probably had a part in causing World War ll.
    The Dachu concentration camp is located on the grounds of an abandoned munitions factory near the northeastern part of Dachu about 10 miles northwest of Munich in southern Germany. During the first year the camp held about 4,800 prisoners.
    The Night of Broken Glass is the night of November 9, 1983 where violence against Jews broke out across the Reich. It was anger of the assinanation of a German official in Paris at the hands of a Jewish teenager. It appeared to be unplanned and set off by Germans. Over 250 synagogues were burned, over 7,000 Jewish businesses were trashed and looted, dozens of Jewish people were killed, and Jewish cemeteries, hospitals, schools, and homes were looted while police and fire brigades stood by. This all happen in about 2 days which is insane.
    It is important to preserve history so we can look back on the past and compare and contrast the present and the past. It is also good to know because it is nice to know how we got to this day and what events we had o go through to get here.
    The thing that happened to Benzion Pereseccki-who later became Ben Peres was horribable it was horrible because back then all Jews 16 and older were killed. That meant his father and his 17 year old brother were killed. He was spared because he was 15 when he was faked which is under the age of 16. He was put to work making weapons.
    The things we can learn from the horrible events of World War ll is that the Jewish and other groups were killed and treated badly which means we should make an effort to be nice to everyone. We can also learn that Adolf Hitler was a crazy man who killed many people.
    Makda 207

  20. World War II was a problem between 1939 and 1945 and it involved all big countries. Adolf Hitler wanted to make Germany the most powerful country in Europe. Britain and France wanted to make peace with Germany, but eventually they realized they would have to stand up to the Nazis. The Dachau concentration camps were made in March 1933. It was located on abandoned munition factory ground near the northeastern part of the town Dachau. And it was about 10 miles away northwest of Munich in southern Germany.

    On November 9, 1938 violence against Jewish broke out. It appeared unplanned, set off by Germans. The morning after the pogroms 30,000 Jewish men were arrested for crime. The benefits of historic preservation and energy conservation are often not cared for. The practice of historic resources are important.

    After Ben immigrated to the Untied States he re-established his identity. He never told his children about the jacket. He changed his name to Ben Peres. We can learn that we shouldn't be racist. The Nazis blamed Jews for no reason and racism hot us there.

  21. In 1939, the Germans invaded Poland, with Hitler leading them. France and Britain tried to protect them, but failed. After that, France and Britain declared war against Germany. This was the start of World War II. Before and during the war, the Nazis built concentration camps, prisons where people were made to work by the Nazis. Dachau concentration camp was established (made) in March 1933. it was the first regular concentration camp. It was located on the grounds of a munition factory in the town of Dachau.
    The Night of Crystal is a wave of anti-Jewish pogroms that took place on November 9th and 10th. It is important to preserve history so people in the future are able to know about theirs' and other's history. Without history, we wouldn't be able to know about important history like World War II.
    Benzion Pereschi (the teenager in the jacket) escaped the Holocaust and moved to America with his mom. After World War II, we learned that the world must stay closer together.

  22. Emile

    The cause of world war 2 was that Adolf Hitler was that non-Jewish beliefs. The DACHAU camp was located on the grounds of an abandoned munitions factory near the northeastern part of the town of Dachau, about 10 miles northwest of Munich in southern Germany. The DACHAU concentration camp. During the first year, the camp held about 4,800 prisoners. Initially the internees were primarily German Communists, Social Democrats.

    On the night of November 9, 1938, violence against Jews broke out across the Reich. It appeared to be unplanned, set off by Germans' anger over the assassination of a German official in Paris at the hands of a Jewish teenager. In two days, over 250 synagogues were burned, over 7,000 Jewish businesses were trashed and looted.

    The reason why it is important to save history is because we will know about our past.

    July of 2015, the KHRCA was contacted by a vintage clothing dealer about a recent acquisition of a unique garment at an estate sale. In the back of a walk-in closet, amid a variety of old shirts and vintage dresses, hung a faded striped jacket. A year later, we now know the story of Benzion Peresetski, a young Jewish man from Lithuania who wore this jacket for ten months in Dachau and kept it for 33 years.

  23. Vanessa Rm 207

    World War II caused mass destruction of 2/3rds of the total Jews. In the holocaust of World War II, almost 6 million Jews of Europe lost their lives. World War II caused many deaths of many Jews. It also caused people to try and escape. The Dachau concentration camp is located in southern Germany.

    The night of the broken glass was about how the Nazi's/Germans hated the Jews and were against them. It is important to preserve history because in the future people who find and study our history will know how we lived and what we did. Also because they would see how we used things in the past.

    Benzion Peresecki came to america and never told his children about Dachau. He later then died. We can learn from the horrible events from World War II by reading about what happene and by gathering information for the future. We can also learn what wars carried on and who did what do other people.

    by, Vanessa

  24. Breanna 207
    World War II AND THE Holoeaust

    The cause of World War II is that In 1930 Adolf Hitler wanted to make the country German powerful. So he built a army and took over Austria and Czechoslovakia. Hitler threatened Poland, so Britain and France defend them and went to war. In September 1939, German armies invaded Poland and Britain and France declared war on German. Britain`s commonwealth help out including Australia, New Zealand, and Canda. The United State were neutral for a little time. Theses are the causes of World War II.

    The Dachan concetration camp is located on the ground of a abandoned munitions factory. Near the Northeastern part of the town Dachau, about 10 miles northwest of Munich in southern German. The first camp was built on March 1933. The camp held 4,800 prisoners, they did alot of medical experiment on them.

    Benzion Peresecki was a 15 year old boy who was in a concentraion camp. When he was 10 his father died because of stomach uler. Also his brother was murded by the Nazis. He had a blue striped jacket that he brought everywhere. So when the war ended he still had the jacket as he moved. He got married and move to New York. He never told his friends and family why he had and never told his kids that it exist. He left it in his closet for 65 years and (37 years after death). In July 4 2015, his jacket was discovered by a estate. The estat gave it to Kupferberg Holocaust Center. They found his daughter. She brought in 1500 docment. Benzion Peresecki died in 1978.

    The Night of the Broken Glass was in November 9,1939 violence against Jews broke out. In two days 250 religious building were burned. 7,000 Jewish business were trashed. Jewish hospitals,school and homes were looted. Firfighter and police stand by to help. The Night of the Broken Glass is called that because of the shatted glass from store windows that was on the streets.

    It is important to preserve history because you don`t mess it up. Just like a painting if it out and people are going to touch it will rip. So that why it is in a case. What i learned from World War II is that the Nazis hated Jewish people so bad. Also happy that other countries team up to beat the Nazis.

  25. Jariah 206

    1)What caused World War ll is that Hitler wanted to make Germany the most powerful country in Europe. After that he made a army and a air force and took over Austria and Czechoslovakia. They tried an "appeasement" but that didn't work.Thats how it started. Dachau concentration camp was located in Radviliškis, Lahuania.

    2)The Night of the Broken Glass was when in 1938 Nazis attacked Jewish businesses. It is important to preserve history because learning about the past is very important . Benzion Perezki was sent to a concentration camp with his mother.

    3)From the events of World War ll we can learn lots of things. We can learn that there was lots of hate back then . We can also learn that people can discriminate because of religious beliefs

  26. The Dachau cam is 10 miles northwest of Munich in southern Germany. World WAR I was through 1939 and 1945. It is really important to preserve history because history is very important to man kind. It tell story's of our past. We need history to know about ourselves.

    Sorry Ms.May I did not finish but I did get some done. Next blog will be finished and handed in on time. Again sorry.
    Rm:207 Gr.6

  27. This is Alexis

    Dacha concentration camp was located in Bergen,Norway. The night of the broken glass was on 1936 and was an organized destruction of jewish businesses, houses, and stores.It is important to conserve history because it tells us facts about the past .Benzion Peresecki was killed in a concentration camp but, a woman found the jacket and was important to her. We can can learn not to first use violence, but the most important thing is to respect and honor the people who died on that day.

  28. Shalom

    1)World War II began because the leader of Germany, Adolf Hitler, wanted to expand German territory. His Nazi party wanted to create a state with only certain kinds of people in it.

    Hitler wanted to make Germany the most powerful country in Europe. He built up his army and air force, and expanded Germany's borders, taking over Austria and part of Czechoslovakia.

    Britain and France were peaceful democracies that did not want a war. At first they tried the tactic of "appeasement", agreeing to Hitlers demands in order to avoid war between each other.

    2)The Dachau concentration camp was located on the grounds of an abandoned munitions factory near the northeastern part of the town of Dachau, about 10 miles northwest of Munich in southern Germany.

    The Dachau concentration camp was established in March 1933. It was the first regular concentration camp established by the National Socialist(Nazi) government.

    Heinrich Himmler, as police president of Munich , officially described the camp as "the first concentration camp for political prisoners."

    3)On the night of November 9, 1938, violence against Jews broke out across the Reich. It appeared to be unplanned, set of by Germans' anger over the assassination of a German Official in Paris at the hands of a Jewish teenager.

  29. Bryan 206
    World War II
    The Holocaust

    Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party mainly caused World War II. Hitler wanted to make Germany the most powerful country in Europe and to do this he built up his army and air force. He also began expanding Germany’s borders taking over Austria and part of Czechoslovakia. Britain and France were peaceful democracies that did not want war, and in the beginning, they agreed to Hitler’s demands. But when Germany threatened Poland they decided to stand up and promised to defend Poland if it was attacked. In September 1939 German armies invaded Poland and France, and Britain declared war, World War II had started. During this war, the Nazi carried out the Holocaust, which was their anti-Semitic campaign of discrimination and murder.
    On November 9, 1938, violence against Jews broke out across the Reich. It was set off by Germans' anger over the assassination of a German official in Paris at the hands of a Jewish teenager. The pogroms became known as Kristallnacht, the "Night of Broken Glass," for the shattered glass from the store windows that littered the streets. All of those businesses were Jewish owned. The Nazi hated the Jewish people so much that they called for a “Final Solution” which meant that they would force them to live in ghettos which were places that were sealed off without enough food and medical help. They were also taken to concentration camps where they would be forced to work extremely hard, and if they could not work, they would be killed. Many workers also died of illness, starvation and gas chambers. There were several concentration camps throughout Germany.
    One of the most well-known concentration camps was Dachau; it was known as the first concentration camp for political prisoners. The National Socialist Nazi government in 1933 established it. It was located in the northeastern part of the town of Dachau only ten miles northwest of Munich in southern Germany. Benzion Peresecki was a Dachau inmate for ten moths, and he kept his prisoner jacket for 33 years. On July 4, 2015, Ben’s Jacket was discovered on state sale, and today we all can read about his Holocaust survival story. Ben was 15 when he was in the concentration camp and saw his father die from a stomach ulcer, and his brother was killed by Nazi. Ben and his mother Chiena survived torture and near death experiences. After liberation, they spent five years in displaced person camps and moved to the United States. He later fought to establish a new identity and create a new home even thought he had kept many pictures, documents and the concentration camp jacket in his closet. No one in his immediate family knew of its existence, but we have learned a lot after its discovery.
    There is a lot that can be learned from the horrible events in World War II, most importantly we should see at the destructive power of discrimination and try to promote unity. Hate is bad for humanity, and we should never forget what happened and work together to stop it from happening in the future. It is important to preserve history because they tell us mistakes humanity has made. The Holocaust is probably the darkest moment in world history and knowing that it happened should prevent other successes like it.

  30. Ava209

    The Presidential Medal of Freedom is the highest non military honor a person can receive during a time of peace. The first Presidential Medal was given in 1963. John F. Kennedy was the first person to receive the Presidential Medal. There were over 500 medals given out. A posthumous award is an award you are given after you are dead. Michael Jordon and Ellen DeGeneres received the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Michael Jordan received the Medal of Freedom because he is a role model to basketball players. Ellen DeGeneres received the Medal of Freedom because she came out as lesbian when being gay was less accepted.

  31. aryanna 209

    President Obama gave the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation’s highest civilian honor, to 21 artists, sports figures, scientists and philanthropists on Tuesday in a bravura performance that had the East Wing, stuffed to capacity, laughing and whooping with appreciation.

    “Everyone on this stage has touched me in a powerful personal way,” Mr. Obama said at the ceremony’s end. “These are folks who have helped make me who I am and think about my presidency.”

    Mr. Obama has given more Presidential Medals of Freedom than any previous president, and the surprising announcement last week that he would induct one last class — he held a similar ceremony two months ago — reflected his obvious joy in lauding his personal heroes, and the awareness that many of them would probably never receive such an honor from his successor. Many of the awardees have praised Democrats or been sharply critical of President-elect Donald J. Trump.

    1. You need to respond in the 5th grade blog responses.

  32. There were several causes of World War II. First, Adolf Hitler wanted Germany to be the most powerful country in Europe. He took over Austria and some of Czechoslovakia. Then Hitler threatened Poland. England and France declared war on Germany. Dachau concentration camp was located in southern Germany. It was founded on March 1933 and built on the grounds of an abandoned weapons factory. Kristallnacht means Night of Crystal, usually named Night of Broken Glass. The Night of Broken Glass is when the German soldiers broke windows of Jewish owned buildings on November 9 and 10, 1938. It was a violent attack against the Jews that took place in Germany, Austria and parts of Czechoslovakia.

    It is important to preserve history so we can learn about the past. Knowing the past helps us stop bad things from happening because we learn from our mistakes. The Holocaust and a world war should never happen again. Benzion Peresecki was a fifteen year old boy; he survived the Holocaust. He and his mother spent five years in a displaced persons camp. Later, he changed his name to Ben Peres. He never really told anyone he kept the jacket from Dachau. His kids had no idea he had the jacket until it was found at an estate sale by a clothing collector named Jillian Eisman.

    The things we can learn from the horrible events from World War II are that people can be very wicked, killing other humans for religion. The concentration camps and the Nazi Germans show that hatred can destroy many. From the Jewish people who did survive, we can learn about the kindness and the strength of people. Soldiers fought to save them.


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